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After the Test – French Revolution Vocabulary

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1 After the Test – French Revolution Vocabulary
28 points Due tomorrow Estate Taille Bourgeoisie Sans-culottes Electors Coup d’etat Bastille Consulate Nationalism Conservatism Liberalism Guillotine Deficit spending suffrage Most are in Chapter 9 Page 149 For the others use the glossary or index

2 Piece this sentence together
because it they might find a symbol and hoped Parisians stormed SISK STARTER was of oppression Turn in your weapons. Columbus Organizer the Bastille

3 Piece this sentence together
fired because 1st and 2nd King Louis XVI taxing the SISK STARTER Jacques Necker Turn in your he advised Acrostic estates.


5 On the Eve of Revolution
The French Revolution On the Eve of Revolution


7 4 Causes of the French Revolution
Economic Crisis Enlightenment Ideas Social Inequalities Famine F. E. E.S

8 First Estate Second Estate Third Estate
The ancien regime in France divided the French people into 3 estates (classes) First Estate Clergy, 1% of the population (not taxed) Second Estate Nobility, 1% of the population (not taxed) Third Estate Everybody Else, Bourgeoisie and peasants 98% of the population (heavily taxed)

9 The 3rd Estate was very DIVERSE
Bourgeoisie at the top (lawyers, doctors, merchants, etc.) Then peasants (some were prosperous landowners) Then urban workers (poorest; cloth makers, printers, servants) Why are we allowing the top 2% of society live like rock stars?? Proletariat The working class What is the opposite of Proletariat? What is the Third Estate? Aristocracy What Is The Third Estate? Everything. What Has It Been Until Now In The Political Order? Nothing. What Does It Want To Be? Something.



12 DEFICIT SPENDING Financial Troubles “Madame Deficit”
When you spend more than you make “Madame Deficit” Dave Ramsey King Louis XVI inherited a habit for spending. He chose Jacques Necker, a financial expert, to help him solve France’s problems

13 Jacques Necker Bye Bye Necker! Financial Expert Urged the king
to quit spending so much To reform gov’t Abolish burdensome tariffs on internal trade Proposed to tax the 1st and 2nd estates Bye Bye Necker!

14 Estates General called!
Legislative Body that represents all Estates Had not been called to meet for 175 years!!!! May 1789 The 3rd Estate called themselves the National Assembly by June They were locked out! Met at a nearby Tennis Court Took the Tennis Court Oath Swore “never to separate and to meet wherever they had to” And to create a Just Constitution The King had the estates write cahiers (kah YAYZ), airing their grievances

15 They demanded weapons and gunpowder

16 July 14th, 1789 More than 800 Parisians attack! Demanded weapons
Bastille Day is like our Independence Day

17 HI STORY Create an acrostic! as to be learned, or we’ll repeat it!
s a continual process Ye !; we’re studying the French Revolution! Choose from the following terms: French Rev. Bastille Day Proletariat Bourgeoisie Guillotine Enlightenment Marie Antoinette Versailles “Let them eat Cake”

18 Open to Page 216 There are 4 Stages in the French Revolution:
Political Crisis Leads to Revolt The National Assembly Acts The National Assembly Presses Onward Radicals Take Over


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