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Presentation on theme: "THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT & THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION"— Presentation transcript:

What do you remember from last week????

2 What was the Age of Enlightenment?
Period during the 17th and 18th centuries when European philosophers stressed the use of science and reason as the best method for learning the truth -- in areas such as government, religion, economics, and education.

3 Thomas Hobbes I believed that if there were no laws and no government, people would fight constantly. People should give up some of their freedoms and rights to a strong ruler in social contract. I also believed the best type of government was an absolute monarchy. Who am I?

4 John Locke I believe that government exists to protect the rights of the people. All people are born with 3 natural rights: life, liberty, and property. These ideas inspired Jefferson when writing the DOI! I think if the government is not protecting your rights, they should be overthrown! Who am I?

5 Voltaire I fought for freedom and speech, religion, and the press and was often thrown in jail for speaking my mind. I am famous for saying “I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Who am I?

6 Montesquieu I believed that there should be a separation of powers in the government between 3 different branches. I also think that no one branch should be more powerful than the others and that there should be a system of checks and balances in place. Who am I?

7 Rousseau I believed that individual freedoms are what matters most but that people should be willing to give up some freedoms in favor of the majority or general will. I believe that the best type of government is a direct democracy -- where people vote on ALL matters dealing with the government. Who am I?

8 Wollstonecraft I wrote a book called A Vindication of the Rights of Women. I argued that women deserved the same rights as men and should be able to become educated and participate in politics. Who am I?

9 Beccaria I’m Italian and believed that laws exist to preserve social order I wrote On Crimes and Punishments and fought against: Torturing of witnesses Irregular proceedings Cruel punishments Who am I?

10 Copernicus I came up with the Heliocentric Theory.
I did not share my findings until I was on my deathbed because I was afraid of getting into trouble with the Catholic Church. Who am I?

11 Kepler I concluded that certain mathematical laws governed planetary motion. I supported Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory but proved that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits and not in perfect circles. Who am I?

12 Galileo I came up with the Law of the Pendulum and supported Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory. I observed, with my improved telescope, that Jupiter had 4 moons. I was put under house arrest by the Catholic Church because my theories in my pamphlet, The Starry Messenger, went against Church teachings and authority. In 1992, the pope officially acknowledged that I was right all along. Who am I?

13 Bacon I am credited with creating the Scientific Method…a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. I attacked medieval scholars for relying too heavily on the incorrect conclusions of Aristotle and other ancient thinkers. Who am I?

14 Descartes I developed Analytical Geometry…a blend of Algebra and Geometry. I believed that everything should be doubted until proven by reason. “I think, therefore I am.” Who am I?

15 Newton I am a prolific scientist and mathematician.
I came up with 3 Laws of Motion and the Law of Universal Gravitation. I am considered the father of Physics AND the father of Calculus. Who am I?

16 Harvey I proved that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. Who am I?

17 Jenner I introduced the world’s first vaccine to prevent Smallpox by injecting myself with a weaker form of the disease called “Cowpox”. Who am I?

18 Boyle I am the “Father of modern Chemistry”.
I challenged Aristotle’s idea that the world consisted of 4, air, fire, and water. I created a law that explains how the volume, temperature, and pressure of gases affect each other. Who am I?


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