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Roots of Representative Government

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1 Roots of Representative Government
Chapter 5 Section 2

2 The Rights of Englishmen
Magna Carta ( Great Charter) – A group of Englishmen forced King John to accept this document guaranteeing important rights to noblemen and freemen. King could not seize their land Could not be taxed unless agreed upon by a council of prominent men Could not be tried without a witness Can only be punished by jury of their peers

3 Parliament and Colonial Government
Parliament- England's chief lawmaking body made up of elected representatives. Made up of two houses- House of Commons- elected by people House of Lords- nonelected Nobles, Judges, and church officials

4 The colonies based their representative government off of parliament.
House of Burgesses- colonies first elected assembly in Virginia (Bacon’s Rebellion) Colonists had no Reps. From colonies in Parliament but the laws they passed still effected them.

5 Royal Governor King James (1685) wanted complete control over England and the colonies He turned the northern colonies in one Dominion of New England and was governed by Edmund Andros. He ended representative assemblies and town meeting could only be held once a year

6 Some people began to refuse to pay their taxes because they felt it was unfair.
Gov. Andros began arresting the loudest complainers. Colonists complained to King James but the Glorious Revolution swept through England ousting King James and Gov. Andros from power

7 England's Glorious Revolution
Parliament over threw King James because they felt he was not respecting their rights. King James had dismissed Parliament in 1685 and then tired to fill the new Parliament with people who would over turn the anti-Catholic laws.

8 The throne was to his Protestant daughter Mary.
King James fled the country. Mary and William became the new monarchs. The agreed to Uphold the English Bill of Rights

9 English Bill of Rights King and queen could not cancel laws or impose taxes unless agreed upon by Parliament. Free elections and frequent meeting of Parliament No excessive fines and cruel punishment. People could complain to the king and queen in Parliament without being arrested

10 Shared power in the colonies
After the Glorious Revolution Massachusetts could again elect Representatives to and assembly but they still had an appointed Governor. The Governor could knock down laws created by the assembly but the assembly was in charge of the Gov.’s salary. During the 1700’s a policy called salutary neglect, where England rarely interfered in the colonies affairs was in place. The colonists became used to acting.

11 The Zenger Trial. In 1735, John Peter Zenger publisher of the New -York Weekly Journal was put on trial for printing criticisms against the government. The jury found concluded that he had the right to do this and was released.

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