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Biorhythms revision.

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1 Biorhythms revision

2 Today: Biorhythms Knowledge Mark Plan Write

3 Knowledge Biorhythms…. On a mwb, write a question you find difficult. You have 3 minutes to find the answer to that question using your pack and write it on the back of the mwb. Stand in the middle of the room and find someone to ask your question to. Afterwards, the other person will ask their question. If you both get the questions right, swap boards and armed with your new question, go and ask someone else. Repeat the exercise until I say stop.

4 Mark Each of you should have completed the following essay….
Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers in the control of circadian rhythms. (8+16 marks) Task 1: Use the structured mark scheme to self mark your essay

5 Plan Discuss research into the disruption of biological rhythms (e.g shift work/jet lag) (8 +16 marks) Task 2: Plan the following essay using the structured plan sheet.

6 Write Task 3: As a group, mind map all the content you would include for the below question… Outline the nature of sleep (8 marks)

7 Write: Modal answer Task 4: Read the modal answer. Highlight where in the pack the information has come from.

8 Outline the nature of sleep
Key detail from the mark scheme The nature of sleep conventionally refers to the basic characteristics of sleep. These include its circadian periodicity, the different phases and stages of sleep (REM and NREM, or REM and SWS), the association between REM sleep and dreaming etc. Different sleep patterns across the lifespan or across the animal kingdom would also be relevant. Given the problem of defining the ‘nature’ of sleep, a wide range of material could be relevant. These include the functions of sleep, sleep disorders, brain mechanisms of sleep and sleep as a biological rhythm.

9 Outline the nature of sleep (8 marks)
Write Task 5: You each have 10 minutes to individually answer the following question… Outline the nature of sleep (8 marks) (Roughly 200 words)

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