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Cognitive Therapy.

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1 Cognitive Therapy

2 Themes Cognitions and cognitive processes shape the meaning and understanding of incoming information and in turn determine behaviors and actions and impact and influence emotions (and vice-versa) Cognitions can become distorted or not based in truth and can cause problems in coping and behavior. Two main types of cognitions Automatic thoughts Core beliefs

3 Process Therapeutic relationship has some structure, but is also looks for a collaboration between therapist and client. Empathy, genuineness, and a good rapport is important

4 Process Conceptualize presenting problem and the relevant cognitions around it (and emotions). Develop a working hypothesis of how the thinking patterns relate to the problem (and may be the basis of the problem) Determine the core beliefs underlying the thinking

5 Process Monitor and track patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving
Teach cognitive theory to patient Challenge and replace distorted or unhealthy thinking Often use homework between sessions

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