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Presentation on theme: "15 SCHOOL DAYS TILL MILESTONES"— Presentation transcript:

Happy Monday! March 19th, 2018 REMINDERS: Report cards go out this week. Please check Synergy to look at your grades. If you are missing any SUMMATIVE assignment or want to retake the post-test, you will have to come before/after school, during connections, or homeroom. You have TEN days to make-up work to fix this grade. Any missing work will be due to me on Wednesday, March 28th in order for me to have time to grade it before Spring Break. Sentence Structure quiz on Wednesday! Read Theory scores due Friday 15 SCHOOL DAYS TILL MILESTONES

2 Compound Compound-complex Simple Complex
Warm-up: Identify the sentence structure type from the stories in Where the Side Walk Ends simple, compound, complex, or compound complex Oaties stay oaty, and Wheat Chex stay floaty, and nothing can take the puff out of Puffed Rice.("Cereal") They just had a contest for scariest mask, and I was the wild and daring one who won the contest for scariest mask--and (sob) I'm not even wearing one.("Best Mask?") My voice was raspy, rough, and cracked.("Little Hoarse") They say that once in Zanzibar a boy stuck out his tongue so far that it reached the heavens and touched a star, which burned him rather badly.("The Tongue Sticker- Outer") Compound Compound-complex Simple Complex

3 Simple (one independent clause) Compound (at least two independent clauses) Complex (an independent clause and at least one dependent clause) Compound-complex (two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause)

4 Study Island Log-in : FirstnameLastname@GMS Password: Lunch #
Please log-in to Study Island and complete the assignment for sentence structures Click on the My Classes Click on My Assignments Click on Sentence Structures Begin Practice

5 Ticket Out the Door On your way out, you have to tell me the four types of sentence structures!

6 Happy Tuesday! March 20, 2018 Use all of the sentence types to write a short story. Pick one of the images to help you write a creative story! Simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex

7 Share with your peer… Share your story with the person next to you Take 3 minutes to both share your story. As you are listening try to identify the different types of sentence structures your partner used Any volunteers to share?

8 STANDARDS ELAGSE7L1.b Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas.

9 Grouping Follow the directions in your group
Group 1 – identifying sentence structure types Group 2 – Study Island continued practice Group 3 - SCOPE

During homeroom, you MUST have a book or magazine that you have chosen to read now through Milestones testing! I will send two students at a time to go check a book out from the library if needed

11 Let’s review the Ticket out the Door from yesterday…
Materials needed: writing utensil, paper/notebook, and your brain

12 Ticket Out the Door- on your sticky note write your name and class period
MCQ: Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence? Gym, my favorite class, is scheduled for today. The books fell with a loud bang. Is he afraid of the dark? The teachers are excited for the new project, but the students are not.

13 Let’s practice! Jeopardy Review Game
March 21, 2018 Clear your desk of everything except a piece of paper & something to write with! Let’s practice! Jeopardy Review Game jeopardy-review-game

14 Sentence Structure Practice
Using the different sentence structure types, you will write a four sentence short story. You will start by picking a topic and writing a simple sentence on your desk with the expo marker. Continue your story until you have used all four sentence structure types I will be coming around to check your work

15 Standards ELAGSE7SL2 : Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. ELAGSE7L1.b: Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas.

16 Video guided questions – as you watch the video complete the questions on the video. If you don’t finish, don’t worry! We will briefly discuss at the end of the video!

17 SCOPE vocabulary preview
1. Advocate (AD-vuh-kit) noun or (AD-vuh-kayt) verb; An advocate is a person who supports or argues for the interests of another person, group, or cause. Advocates often speak, write, or take action to defend something they believe in. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a passionate advocate for civil rights. As a verb, advocate means “to support, recommend, or argue for something or someone—to act as an advocate.” The student council might advocate for healthier snack choices in the school’s vending machines by writing a letter to the principal. 3. denounce (dih-NOWNS) verb; To denounce something is to publicly state that it is bad or wrong. If a world leader denounces the use of violence, he or she is expressing strong disapproval of violence. 4. embittered (em-BIT-ehrd) adjective; The adjective bitter can refer to a strong and not at all sweet flavor, like that of coffee or dark chocolate. Bitter can also refer to an emotion; if you are bitter, you are angry and unhappy because you feel you’ve been treated unfairly. The verb embitter means “to cause someone to feel bitter.” If someone is embittered, he or she has been made to feel angry and resentful by something unpleasant or unfair that happened to him or her.  2. anti-Semitism (an-tee-SEM-i-tiz-uhm) noun; A Semite (SEM-ahyt) is a person who speaks a Semitic (suh-MIT-ik) language. Arabic and Hebrew—which is spoken by many Jewish people— are among the Semitic languages. An anti-Semite is a person who is prejudiced against Jewish people in particular. Anti-Semitism is prejudice, discrimination, or hostility toward Jewish people because of their religion or ethnicity. 5. herculean (hur-kyoo-LEE-uhn) adjective; In Roman mythology, Hercules (HUR-kyuh-leez) is a god who possesses exceptional strength. A herculean task is one that requires great strength, courage, or effort. Firefighters might make a herculean effort to put out a rapidly spreading wildfire.

18 Turn to page 4 in your SCOPE magazine…
Please follow along as I read the text to you Be sure to look for important details from the story AND be prepared for me to stop and ask the class questions to help guide your thinking

19 Ticket Out the Door Write your name on your sticky note
RED Write your name on your sticky note Answer the following question- How well do you think you understand sentence structure? Place your sticky note on green, yellow, or red Green = I can teach it Yellow = Still need practice Red = huh? What’s that? Yellow GREEN

20 Happy Thursday! March 22, 2018 Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas only attack if they are provoked. However, gorillas usually don't have to fight other animals because of their impressive size The author believes that: Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals. Gorillas are mean animals. Gorillas don't like other animals. Gorillas communicate well with other animals.

21 STANDARDS ELAGSE7RI1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ELAGSE7RI2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. ELAGSE7W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade- specific expectations for writing types are defined in Standards 1-3 above.)



24 Let’s finish reading the nonfiction text…
Turn to page 8 – “Willing to Help” Please follow along as I read the text to you Be sure to look for important details from the story AND be prepared for me to stop and ask the class questions to help guide your thinking

25 Let’s take a look at the close reading questions in your packet

26 SCAN QR CODE Ticket Out the Door

27 Pop Quiz! Clear your desk of everything!
Happy Friday! March 23rd, 2018 Pop Quiz! Clear your desk of everything!



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