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Writing Focus Question

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1 Writing Focus Question
How to focus your research topic

2 1. Choose an interesting general topic
You need to be interested in the bigger topic for you to be successful

3 2. Do some quick research to see what main ideas come up
Look at subtitles, headings, pictures, maps, graphs, etc. to see the specific topics that come up within the general one.

4 3.Think about your audience
Is this for a teacher? For other students? The general public? All of them? Will your interests fit with your audience’s interest? Does it fit with the purpose?

5 5. Start asking open-ended question
“How” – How did the Japanese come to surrender? “Why” – was the surrender made when and where it was made?

6 6. Think about where you think the research might go

7 7. Make your questions focused
Example: WRONG Unfocused: Why are social networking sites dangerous? RIGHT Focused: How are online users making sure they are safe when they are online?

8 Now it’s your turn…. Working with a partner, write some questions to narrow your focus

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