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Shared Reading October 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared Reading October 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared Reading October 2018

2 Aims of Shared Reading Improve reading
Make reading a pleasant experience: fun and exciting Improve self confidence

3 What is Shared Reading? Reading together leading on to independent reading Child does not experience failure – he/she is not alone Gains fluency, leads to confidence Emphasis is on enjoyment and comprehension – talk about the story, pictures, characters, ENJOY THE BOOK

4 Shared Reading is successful if....
Positive approach is adopted Atmosphere is calm and relaxed - important to read at child’s pace Parent provides help to the child when it’s needed – eliminates failure and anxiety Child becomes more familiar with the written word: improves fluency and confidence

5 Method Time – 10 minutes, Monday – Thursday
Suitable place – NO DISTRACTIONS (TV, football etc) Child chooses book that he/she is interested in and able to read it comfortably Use COMMENT CARD to provide feedback to the teacher

6 During shared reading Start reading together
Gradually allow the child to read independently If the child struggles: give unknown word and continue reading with them if necessary When child is reading independently: encourage, praise, enjoy

7 Reading in general Involve your child in selecting materials.
Read to your child as often as possible. Keep it short and fun (10 minutes a day). Finish up where they are enjoying the story and want more! Go to the library on a regular basis and keep up to date on books peers are reading.

8 Cont. Help your child access books on CD and listen to them together while following the text in the book. Let your child see you reading for enjoyment and for different purposes. Use everyday opportunities to encourage reading e.g. Signs, adverts, greeting cards, computer games, playing board games/card games etc.

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