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Introduction to SOAP-RP and DIME

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1 Introduction to SOAP-RP and DIME
11/28/2018 2:20 PM Introduction to SOAP-RP and DIME Henrik Frystyk Nielsen Architect Microsoft Corporation Jul

2 Agenda Introduction to SOAP-RP Introduction to DIME
Adds routing functionality to SOAP Introduction to DIME Deals with non-XML data Helps avoiding parsing overhead Jul

3 Web Services Communications Model
Decentralized No central naming or protocol authority Semi-structured messages Parties might have only partial understanding of messages Heterogeneous Open-ended set of platforms and network environments Support for Evolution Jul

4 SOAP goals Based on semi-structured data
Support orthogonal extensions Composability through extensibility model Dynamic composition of data Dynamic composition of processes Simplicity and extensibility at the core Features of richer protocols introduced using the SOAP extensibility mechanisms Jul

5 Dynamic Composition of Data
The SOAP:mustUnderstand attribute Mark which parts of the message the receiver must understand in order to process the message correctly. Body parts are by definition mandatory Header parts are by default optional Jul

6 Soap:mustUnderstand <S:Envelope xmlns:env=" <S:Header> <m:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" S:mustUnderstand="1"> <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

7 Dynamic Composition of Processes
The SOAP:actor attribute A message may have several parts, each appropriate for a different party along its route. Start web://bar web://toto web://foo Jul

8 SOAP:actor <S:Envelope xmlns:env=" <S:Header> <m:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" S:actor=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

9 Web Services Roadmap Data Exchange Description Discovery DIME SOAP-RP
Existing In Proc Future Reliability Caching Process Orchestration Routing Attachments Service Description (WSDL) Directory (UDDI) Envelope & Extensibility (SOAP) Structure (XML Schemas) Inspection Syntax (XML) Data Exchange Description Discovery Jul

10 SOAP Routing Protocol Represents our view on how one can do routing in SOAP Publicly available on gotdotnet Go to Requirements described in paper for W3C Web Services Workshop Jul

11 SOAP-RP – Functional Routing
SOAP does not describe a message path SOAP describes composition of processes Not how to send a message from A to C via B SOAP-RP adds a SOAP message path How to send a message from A to C via B Defined as a SOAP header entry Entirely encapsulated within SOAP message Decouples routing from underlying protocol Supports TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP, etc. Jul

12 SOAP-RP Services Forward path Reverse Path Message Correlation
Message path from A via B to C Dynamic or statically generated Reverse Path Message path from C via B to A Dynamically generated Message Correlation Indicates how messages are related Routing Fault Defines what happens if endpoints not found Jul

13 SOAP-RP is a SOAP bubble
Deliberately does not provide Guaranteed Messaging, Caching, Pub/Sub, Notification, Privacy, Signing, Encryption, etc. Intent is that SOAP-RP Composes with other SOAP bubbles that provides such functionality Jul

14 SOAP-RP Elements <to> is the destination of the message
<from> is like "from" in s <fwd> specifies the forward path <rev> specifies the reverse path <action> indicates intent of the message <id> is a message ID <relatesTo> links to message IDs Jul

15 SOAP-RP Forwarding Pick up Mary at School at 2pm
soap:// Jul

16 Step 1: From Mom to Sink <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> <p:via>soap://</p:via> </p:fwd> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

17 Step 2: From Sink to Dad <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> </p:fwd> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

18 soap://
SOAP-RP Resolution Pick up Mary at School at 2pm soap:// soap:// Jul

19 Step 1: From Mom to Sink <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> <p:via>soap://</p:via> </p:fwd> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

20 Step 2: From Sink to IPaq <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> <p:via>soap://</p:via> </p:fwd> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

21 Step 3: From IPaq to Dad <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> </p:fwd> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" <c:priority>1</c:priority> <c:expires> T14:00:00-05:00</c:expires> </c:alertcontrol> </S:Header> <S:Body> <m:alert xmlns:m=" <m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg> </m:alert> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

22 SOAP-RP Reverse Path Pick up Mary at School at 2pm
soap:// Ok, will do Jul

23 Step 1: From Mom to Sink <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> <p:via>soap://</p:via> </p:fwd> <rev> <p:via></p:from> </rev> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" </S:Header> <S:Body> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

24 Step 2: From Sink to Dad <S:Envelope xmlns:S=" <S:Header> <p:path xmlns:p=" <p:action> <p:fwd> </p:fwd> <rev> <p:via>soap://</p:via> <p:via></p:from> </rev> </p:path> <c:alertcontrol xmlns:c=" </S:Header> <S:Body> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> Jul

25 What about Binary data? Not everything is XML
Image data, voice data etc Even XML is not always XML Encryption, compression, fragments Don't always want to embed XML into the SOAP message for robustness reasons MIME multipart has performance problems Buffering and parsing overhead Jul

26 DIME – Direct Internet Message Encapsulation
DIME is a lightweight encapsulation format Publicly available on gotdotnet Native support for "multipart" A DIME message is a collection of records Support for chunking of records Records can be chunked for streamed data Efficient parsing Size, type, and message id available up front Jul

27 DIME Message DIME Message is one or more records
Content-type: application/dime Can be carried in MIME and vice verse Is fully nestable One DIME message Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record n Jul

28 SOAP-RP and DIME SOAP-RP uses DIME for TCP and UDP bindings
DIME addresses two problems in XML Supports passing arbitrary data Allows efficient parsing Jul

29 SOAP-RP Over DIME Examples
Without Attachments With Attachments DIME message 1 DIME message 2 DIME SOAP-RP DIME SOAP-RP One DIME message DIME SOAP-RP DIME GIF DIME PNG Jul

30 DIME Bit Fields MB is the Message Begin flag
ME is the Message End flag CF indicates a chunked record TYPE of payload is a URI or content type TNF indicates the type of the type ID is a URI identifying the payload DATA is the record payload Jul


32 Questions? Jul

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