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Stiùireadh air Foghlam Gàidhlig
Guidance on Gaelic Education
Cùl-fhiosrachadh Background
Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005 Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 Bile an Fhoghlaim (Alba) 2015 – dleastanas air Bòrd na Gàidhlig Stiùireadh air Foghlam Gàidhlig a sgrìobhadh Education (Scotland) Bill 2015 – duty on Bòrd na Gàidhlig to produce Guidance on Gaelic Education Chaidh Bun-bhuidheann a chruinneachadh gus Stiùireadh a dheasachadh Core Group has been assembled to oversee the preparation of Guidance Act Placed a responsibility on the Bord Bill Manifesto Commitments Major Part of Education BICC Guidance can be drafted before assent Core Group What Statutory Guidance is Informal and formal consultation Core Group Members
Bile an Fhoghlaim (Alba) 2015 Education (Scotland) Bill 2015
Air beulaibh Pàrlamaid an-dràsta Currently before Parliament Solarachaidhean ann am Pàirt 2 mu dheidhinn Foghlam Gàidhlig Part 2 contains substantial provisions related to Gaelic education Mar a bu chòir do dh’Ùghdarrasan Ionadail iarrtasan airson Foghlam Bun-sgoil tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig a làimhseachadh How Local Authorities should handle requests for Gaelic Medium Primary Education Dleastanas air Ùghdarrasan Ionadail taic agus brosnachadh a thoirt do dh’Fhoghlam Gàidhlig Duty on Local Authorities to promote and support Gaelic education Dleastanas air Bòrd na Gàidhlig Stiùireadh a dheasachadh Duty on Bòrd na Gàidhlig to prepare Guidance Parliament Stage 1 is complete Stage 2 November to December Royal Assent around Easter Duty on LAs Beyond just Gaelic Medium in the Primary Duty on Bord Bòrd sees this work as very important Wish to work in partnership
Dè bhios san Stiùireadh? What will the Guidance cover?
Mìneachadh mu abairtean co-cheangailte ri Foghlam Gàidhlig Definitions of terms related to Gaelic Education Meudachadh air na Solarachaidhean Gàidhlig ann am Bile an Fhoghlaim (Alba) 2015 Expansion on the Provisions on Gaelic Education in the Education (Scotland) Bill 2015 3. Stiùireadh air cùisean eile co-cheangailte ri Foghlam Gàidhlig Guidance on other aspects of Gaelic Education Expand An Act doesn’t cover the detail Statutory Guidance is the most common way of doing this Secondary legislation Guidance Opportunity to clarify other matters But must be seen as an association with the Act
Cò dha a tha an Stiùireadh? Who is the Guidance for?
Ùghdarrasan Ionadail a tha a’ faotainn iarrtasan airson Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gaidhlig Local Authorities receiving requests for Gaelic Medium Education Ùghdarrasan Ionadail a tha a’ solarachadh Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig an-dràsta Local Authorities currently providing Gaelic Medium Education Ùghdarrasan Ionadail a tha a’ beachdachadh air Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh Local Authorities who are considering establishing provision of Gaelic Medium Education
Cò dha a tha an Stiùireadh? Who is the Guidance for?
A H-UILE DUINE an-sàs ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig EVERYONE involved in Gaelic Education Ùghdarrasan Ionadail Sgoiltean Ceannardan Luchd-teagaisg Pàrantan Clann is Òigridh Local Authorities Schools Head Teachers Teachers Parents Children and young people Need to see this as an opportunity But need also to deliver on the core requirement
Foghlam Gàidhlig Gaelic Education
Stiùireadh air cùisean eile ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig Guidance on other aspects of Gaelic Education Ionnsachadh Tràth & Cùram Cloinne Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil & Àrd-sgoil Foghlam luchd-ionnsachaidh aig Bun-sgoil & Àrd-sgoil Sgoiltean Ghàidhlig Trusadh Luchd-teagaisg Teisteanasan Gàidhlig Taic airson Pàrantan Early Learning & Childcare Gaelic Medium Education in Primary & Secondary Gaelic Learner Education in Primary & Secondary Gaelic Schools Teacher Recruitment Gaelic Qualifications Support for Parents Need to consider the Learner journey through Gaelic Education Consider the key requirements to deliver and support that Introduce them in to the Guidance
Ciamar as urrainn dhuibh cur ris? How can you contribute?
Thig gu seisean Co-chomhairle a bhios aig tachartasan Gàidhlig Attend one of our Engagement sessions taking place at Gaelic events Bruidhinn ri riochdaire bhon Bhun-bhuidheann Speak to Core Group representatives Mol cuspair dhuinn a chuidicheas leis an Stiùireadh Suggest topics which may help inform the Guidance Tadhlaibh air an duilleig-lìn a tha am Bòrd air a stèidheachadh gus ur beachdan a thoirt dhuinn Visit the Bòrd’s dedicated webpage and give us your suggestions Cur freagairt ris a’ Cho-chomhairle foirmeil a bhios aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig san Earrach 2016 Respond to the formal Consultation by Bòrd na Gàidhlig in Spring 2016 Events An t-Alltan – 30th September Royal National Mod – 13th October Cross Party Group – 25th November Core Group These are: Bruce Robertson, Bord Fiona O'Hanlon, Bord Douglas Ansdell, SG Stuart Pescodd, SG Ruaraidh MacIntyre, SG John Urquhart, CoSLA Jane Renton, Education Scotland Gillian Campbell-Thow, Glasgow CC Kenny Murray, Highland Council Topics Genuinely looking for a steer Formal This will be a 3 month consultation period
Ceistean Questions A bheil sibh ag aontachadh gu bheil feum air Stiùireadh Reachdail airson Foghlam Gàidhlig? Ma tha, a bheil cùisean sònraichte a bu thoigh leibh fhaicinn mar phàirt dheth nuair a thèid a dheasachadh? Do you agree that Statutory Guidance on Gaelic education is needed? If so, are there specific issues you would like to see included as it develops? Bu chòir don Stiùireadh innse do phàrantan agus do luchd-ionnsachaidh mu dheidhinn na bu chòir dhaibh sùileachadh bho fhoghlam Gàidhlig. Bu chòir don Stiùireadh cuideachd innse do dh’Ùghdarrasan Ionadail agus do bhuidhnean nàiseanta eile mu na nithean a thathar an dùil a lìbhrigeas Dè na prìomh chuspairean a th’ ann nur beachd-se, airson a h-uile duine? Guidance should let parents and learners know what to expect in Gaelic education. It should also let Local Authorities and other national agencies know what they are expected to deliver. What do you feel are the key issues, for all parties? Bidh e comasach don Stiùireadh na thathar a’ sùileachadh aig ìre nàiseanta a chur an cèill, ge-tà, ’s dòcha nach freagair sin daonnan air na tha dhìth agus air co-dhùnaidhean aig ìre ionadail. A bheil dòigh ann gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air seo agus Stiùireadh a dhealbh a fhreagras air a h-uile suidheachadh? Guidance has the potential to set down a national expectation however this may not reflect local needs and decision making. Is there a way that we can reconcile this and draw up Guidance to cover all situations? Tha e an urra ri Bòrd na Gàidhlig an Stiùireadh ullachadh, agus tha e an urra rinn sùil a chumail air adhartas a thaobh an Stiùiridh sin agus a bhith ga leasachadh san ùine air thoiseach. A bheil molaidhean agaibh a thaobh nan dòighean as fheàrr sam b’ urrainnear co-chonaltradh leantainneach a chumail suas eadar Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus tidsearan, sgoilearan, pàrantan, oifigearan comhairleachaidh bho ùghdarrasan ionadail agus daoine eile le ùidh is com-pàirt ann am foghlam tron Ghàidhlig? Bòrd na Gàidhlig has the responsibility for preparing the Guidance, and for its ongoing development and monitoring of progress. Do you have any recommendations about the ways in which such an on-going dialogue between Bòrd na Gàidhlig and teachers, pupils, parents, local authority advisors and other stakeholders in Gaelic- medium education would best be facilitated?
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