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Team member1 Team member2 Team member3 Team member4 17 September 2009

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Presentation on theme: "Team member1 Team member2 Team member3 Team member4 17 September 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team member1 Team member2 Team member3 Team member4 17 September 2009
Widget Project Update Team member1 Team member2 Team member3 Team member4 17 September 2009

2 Widget Project Brief 2 sentence description of project. Develop a prototype remote control widget for use in helping pet owners walk their pet from their office. It must be able to walk the pet for 30 minutes. Client: Gadget Co (Supply a graphic or picture of project)

3 Project Deliverables & Status
Deliverables: Prototype, radio controlled widget for the Gadget Co. Aluminum body, radio controlled version Prototype construction status: All parts ordered and received. prototype is 80% complete. Body of aluminum widget is machined. Expected completion Sep. 17 Last meetings with client: Sep 6. Last meeting with technical advisor(s): Sep. 7 Device Testing Status: Not yet started, no data Will start testing on Oct. 1 Testing will be completed Nov.1 CDR scheduled for 12 Nov :00AM, Room 204A

4 Current Project Schedule
Is project on schedule? Why not? (Put Gantt chart here.) How will you meet your completion date?

5 Work Assignments What tasks have each person completed in the last 2 weeks with hours worked? Bill: Fred: Susan: Kim: What tasks will each person be doing in the next 2 weeks.

6 Current Issues & Recovery Plan
Highlight any problems that could delay completion E.g., machine shop time, parts on back order, client illness, missing group member, design must be corrected, etc. Propose potential solutions to these problems to complete on time E.g., Design using different part, find another vendor, change spec w/ client approval etc.

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