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BBC Microbit.

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1 BBC Microbit

2 Objective of the lesson
Use Block Editor to make a Rocket Launch All of you will: Make numbers display in order 0 to 4 Most of you will: Change the number sequence Some of you will: Make a rocket launch countdown 9 to 1 then a message appear

3 Rocket Launch We will get a rocket launcher countdown from 10 down to 1 and then display a message ‘Launch’ Add an ‘on button A pressed’ loop This will be the button which will launch the rocket Add a ‘i from 0 to 4’ block

4 Let’s investigate what this does
i is a number that changes. Firstly it is a 0 then a 1, then a 2, then a 3, then a 4 Let’s chance the name from i to be something more friendly. Let’s called it Number Let’s show this Number so that we can see it on the Microbit

5 Let’s add in pauses of 1 second = 1000ms
Instead of going from 0 to 4, I will make it go from 1 to 5 by adding the number 1 each time

6 Challenge See if you can make it display the numbers 2 to 6 See if you can make it display the numbers 4 to 8 See if you can make it display the numbers 1 to 9 Now make it go from 9 down to 1 HINT you start at 9 and subtract the Number Can you make it then say “LAUNCH”

7 Answers


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