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Should people who make a mistake get a second chance? Why? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Should people who make a mistake get a second chance? Why? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should people who make a mistake get a second chance? Why? Explain.
Ex: If someone stole something from you or broke your trust, should you give them a second chance by forgiving them? Would you give them a second chance. Why? COMPLETE SENTENCES.

2 Write your reaction to the video. What did you think about it?
Do you agree? Why? How can forgiveness benefit people? Did your answer to the previous question change? If yes, then why? If not, why? COMPLETE SENTENCES

3 “Thank You Ma’am” By Langston Hughes
things you noticed about the story, how it was different, moral, dialect

4 Why does Mrs. Jones drag Roger back to her house
Why does Mrs. Jones drag Roger back to her house? What do they do once they get there? How does Mrs. Jones help or teach Roger? What do you think her motivation was for helping him? Was this more effective than calling the police? Why? Why is Roger confused when Mrs. Jones says, “ didn’t have to snatch my pocketbook to get some suede shoes.” “You could of asked me.” What does she mean? Why is Roger confused? What does Mrs. Jones mean when she says, “ come by devilish like that will burn your feet.” Do you think Roger will change?

5 -Describe a time when you were FORGIVEN by someone.
-What did you do? (tried to be kinder, tried to be more careful, told them it was ok, became friends etc.) -How did it make you feel? (were you surprised, relieved, happy etc.) OR -Describe a time when you FORGAVE someone. -What did you do? (told them it was ok, became friends, etc.) -How did it make you feel? (was it difficult, easy? Did you feel relieved/peaceful?) -Tell what happened, the circumstances, the people involved. write for five minutes. Share for 2. Share with class for 2 Forgiveness and mercy are MAJOR themes in this novel.

6 What does “redemption” mean? What is it?
What might we mean when we say: The man was “redeemed” from his criminal past? talk at tables for 1 minute, share with class.

7 Redemption: -the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil -the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt The capacity to transcend one's own limitations and reach a new level of self-knowledge From latin, redimere ‘buy back’ Ex. The novel’s disappointing beginning was redeemed only by it’s interesting and action-packed ending. Ex. "Billy redeemed his drums from the pawnbrokers" synonyms: saving, freeing from sin, absolution, retrieval, recovery, reclamation, repossession, return It’s the idea of sacrifice but also of a return to a previous or better state. It’s kind of a complicated subject.

8 Where do we see redemption in popular stories?
Frozen talk about in groups: Where do we see redemption in these films? talk for 2 minutes It can be when a whole group of people are saved or just one character. It’s the idea of being saved. Christians believe in a Savior who redeems people from their sins. The idea that people who have once done wrong can become good. A situation that is bad can become better.

9 The Christ/Savior Figure
A literary technique in which a character shares similar qualities with the Christian Christ depicted in the bible. -performance of miracles, -manifestation of divine qualities, -healing others, -displaying kindness and forgiveness, -fighting for justice, -being guided by the spirit of the character's father -the character's own death and resurrection. -Christ figures are often martyrs, sacrificing themselves for causes larger than themselves. Who are some Savior figures you can think of from popular movies?

10 Christ Figure examples. Can you name any others?

11 Les Misérables -First published in 1862
-Considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century -Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris- The novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. -Jean Valjean lives in post-revolution France and as a young man he is very poor. In order to save his family from starvation and death he steals a loaf of bread and is sent to prison. After attempting to escape this awful, torturous prison a few times his sentence is increased by degrees to 20 years. After spending 20 years in prison the once-nice young man has become a hardened criminal. When he is released and is on probation he attempts to find a place of work and shelter for the night, but no one will let him stay. He sleeps in the doorway of a priest’s home and the priest invites him in, feeds him and gives him a place to stay for the night. Jean Valjean is treated very kindly. The excerpt we read is about what happens the next morning.

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