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Ellen Bachner Greenberg, GenerationsForward Speaker

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1 Ellen Bachner Greenberg, GenerationsForward Speaker
Ellen Bachner Greenberg, GenerationsForward Speaker Ellen Bachner Greenberg is the daughter of two Holocaust survivors. Ellen’s mother, Ruth Bachner, was born in Austria and fled to Belgium in 1943 where she spent the remainder of the war hidden in a convent.  Her father, Fred Bachner, was born in Berlin and his life changed dramatically in 1940 when he and his family were exiled to (Chrzanow) Poland as part of the increased restriction the Germans imposed on the Jews.  Everyone was forced to work and Fred, who was 15 years old, found a job delivering beer and soda to German Army posts, restaurants, and even Trzebina, a labor camp.   In 1943 the Germans marched in to Chrzanow to remove all Jews and Fred was sent to a concentration camp. Ellen’s presentation chronicles her father’s life before the war and his experience surviving 3 concentration camps and death marches.  Through taped video interviews he gave before he passed away in 2008, we hear Fred’s own testimony of what daily life in concentration camp was like. Ellen speaks of her father’s incredible will to survive and the optimism, perseverance, and positive attitude that exemplified how he lived his life post war. Ellen discusses what it was like for her growing up as the child of holocaust survivors and speaks honestly and openly about the impact it has had on her. Event held at: [location] [date] [time]

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