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SunnySide Elementary School

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1 SunnySide Elementary School
Affects of Bulling Jessica Morgan SunnySide Elementary School (870)

2 What is Bulling? According to, Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance

3 Who is Affected by Bullying?
Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere, at anytime, but there are certain groups who are more susceptive to the harassment than others. Those who are perceived as different from their peers Are depressed, anxious, or have low self esteem Less popular Do not get along well with others Sexual orientation Race

4 Social bullying also known as relational bullying
Types of Bullying There are 5 major types of bullying Verbal bullying Social bullying also known as relational bullying Physical bullying Sexual bullying Cyber bullying

5 Verbal Bullying When children say mean or hurtful things to each other it is known as verbal bullying. Name-calling Insulting Threatening Mocking Taunting Teasing

6 Social Bullying Children often use social aspects to bully others, either by hurting someone’s reputation or relationship. Talking behind someone’s back Spreading rumors and/or lies Leaving someone out on purpose Embarrassing someone in public Telling others to ignore someone

7 Physical Bullying When a child physically harms another it is known as physical bullying. Hitting/kicking Pushing Stealing or Destroying someone’s property Making mean or rude hand gestures

8 Calling someone a slut, whore, or other demeaning names
Sexual Bullying When children use humiliating words to harm someone else or make unwanted sexual advances it is sexual bullying. Calling someone a slut, whore, or other demeaning names Vulgar gestures Propositioning

9 The most Common forms of cyber bullying :
When children use technology to harass someone else it is referred to as cyber bullying. The most Common forms of cyber bullying : Cell phone Chat rooms Blogs Social Media

10 Example of Bulling Below is a clip from a popular movie titled “Mean Girls” this movie clip is a great example of teen bullying. EXAMPLE of bullying

11 Warning Signs Being Bullied Bullying Others
Unexplained injuries Lost or destroyed personal items Frequent physical illness Difficulty sleeping Declining grades or loss of interest Loss of friends Depression Mood swings Wanting to avoid school or other social activities Gets into physical or verbal fights Hangs around other bullies Discipline issues Blames others for problems Don’t accept responsibility for their actions Worry about their popularity

12 Prevention Help kids understand bullying Communication
Model how to treat others with respect Encourage children Take action

13 10 Books to promote anti-bullying
These books are a great way to help children understand what bullying is and how to prevent it.

14 Citation Citation (n.d.). Prevention at School. Retrieved October 29, 2016, from school/index.html Helping Kids Deal With Bullies. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from

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