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in Postsecondary Education

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1 in Postsecondary Education
Students with Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Related Disabilities in Postsecondary Education Mary V. Jorgensen1,5, Catherine S. Fichten1,2,3,4,5,6, Mai Nhu Nguyen1, Jillian Budd1,3, 1 Adaptech Research Network, 2 Dawson College, 3 McGill University, 4 Jewish General Hospital, 5 CRISPESH, 6CRIR Abstract Students with mental health related disabilities and learning disabilities are distinct groups with different characteristics Students with mental health disabilities scored worse than students with learning disabilities on: Social Self-Efficacy Feeling isolated / alienated on campus CEQ Personal Situation Feeling like they have control over whether or not they will graduate Intention to graduate Demographics Students with only a mental health related disability (n=55) Gender: 49 (91%) Female, 5 (9%) Male, 1 did not answer Age (Mean = 28) 71% registered for campus disability services Students with only a learning disability (n=55) Gender: 39 (71%) Female, 16 (29%) Male Age (Mean = 24) 95% registered for campus disability services Results: Significant Social Self-Efficacy How confident students are that they can talk to their professors, ask questions or participate in class (Higher score = more confident ) Results: Significant Perceived Behavioral Control Over Graduation Degree to which students feel that they have control over whether or not they graduate (higher score = more control over graduation) Results: Not Significant Course Self-Efficacy Attitude toward graduation Subjective norms about graduation Full / part-time student status Internship in program of study Students’ grades Type of institution attended (college vs. university) Registration in first choice program CEQ School Environment Feeling Isolated / Alienated on Campus Lower scores = feeling less isolated / alienated on campus Take Home Message Students with mental health related disabilities and learning disabilities have different profiles and different needs The needs of students with mental health related disabilities are not adequately met by the established disability support system Students with mental health related disabilities Are understudied Their barriers to education are not fully understood All students deserve an equal opportunity for academic success Results: Significant CEQ Personal Situation This measure asks about the degree to which students’ personal situation (e.g. financial situation, study habits) facilitates or hinders their academic success (high scores = more facilitating) Intention to Graduate Higher scores = greater intention to graduate Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2015

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