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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2017/18"— Presentation transcript:


2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE PART A Strategic Focus and Strategic Plan Refinements PART B APP 2017/18 Strategic Overview PART C Programme and Sub-Programme Plans PART D Human Resource Information PART E Financial Information END 2018/11/28

Mandate To champion the advancement of women’s socio-economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality. Vision A society that realises the socio-economic empowerment of women and the advancement of gender equality. Mission Accelerate socio-economic transformation for women empowerment and the advancement of gender equality. 2018/11/28

The department will place society at the centre of its work through: treating people with respect; conducting ourselves with integrity; being accountable for our actions; and striving for excellence and equity in all that we do. In interacting with stakeholders, we will act with fairness and respect and demonstrate teamwork and commitment to the cause. In delivering our mandate we will honour the faith that is placed in us as the ministry and department responsible for advancing the cause of women. 2018/11/28

5 SONA - In the state of the nation address the following highlights affecting DoW were identified: To continue mainstreaming of the empowerment of women in all government programmes. Prioritise women’s access to economic opportunities, in particular business financing and credit. Encouraging women to consider farming in order for them to benefit from government supported programmes such as small holder farmers and its commercialisation. 2018/11/28

The organisational design of the Department is structured into 3 Divisions reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Management, Corporate Management Financial Management; 2 Branches reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management. The budget programme structure for the 2016/17 FY reports on three programmes: 1. Administration; 2. Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; and 3. Policy, Stakeholder and Knowledge Management 2018/11/28

The DoW did not table the Strategic Plan except the refinements made in 2016 which should be read in conjunction with the Strategic Plan as this is not a replacement but an improvement to ensure alignment and compliance. The sections that are refined are section 5.2 on the organisational environment: Budget Programme Structure and Part B on strategic objectives and five year targets. 2018/11/28

Organisational Environment: Budget Programme Structure Programme Sub-Programmes Administration Ministry Departmental Management Corporate Services Financial Management Office Accommodation Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment Social Empowerment and Transformation Economic Empowerment and Participation Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Commission for Gender Equality Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management Research and Policy Analysis Information and Knowledge Management Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Monitoring and evaluation 2018/11/28

The strategic objectives and five year targets for all programmes have been refined. The DoW has removed the strategic objective indicator in all programmes. Part B: Strategic Objectives Programme 1: Administration Sub-Programme: Departmental Management Strategic Objective Strengthen good governance to ensure the DoW delivers on its mandate Five-Year Target Effective implementation of the risk management plans Improved performance against APP KPI annual targets 98% Departmental compliance with MPAT Standards Effective Internal Audit Reports and Implementation of findings against 3 year rolling and annual coverage internal audit plan 2018/11/28

Sub-Programme: Financial Management Strategic Objective Improved strategic financial management system in the DoW, enabling delivery of its mandate Five-Year Target 100% expenditure Unqualified audit opinion Sub-Programme: Corporate Management Strategic Objective Effective HR and ICT Management to enable DoW to deliver on its mandate and functions Five-Year Target Maintain DoW vacancy rate of less than 10% ICT Business Systems Implementation Plan developed 2018/11/28

Programme 2: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment Sub-Programme: Social Empowerment and Transformation Strategic Objective Women’s social empowerment and participation promoted Five-Year Target Intervention for women’s social participation and empowerment engendered (in annually identified specific areas) Sub-Programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Strategic Objective Policy and programme implementation for the economic empowerment and participation of women Five-Year Target Interventions to ensure women’s access and full participation in the economy (in annually identified specific areas) Sub-Programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Strategic Objective Improved Gender Transformation through measures to advance gender equality and through interventions towards a just and safe society Five-Year Target Interventions to mainstream gender equality developed and implemented (Gender mainstreaming and GRB framework)  Interventions for the prevention of violence against women and children developed 2018/11/28

Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management In the Strategic Plan the sub-programme Monitoring and Evaluation has two strategic objectives which are; monitor progress made on socio-economic empowerment of women and evaluate impact of government programmes developed to change lives of women in the country and analyse, monitor and evaluate programmes developed by justice cluster to eliminate gender-based violence. These strategic objectives were refined into one to ensure more focus and impact. The following targets were not planned for in the financial year 2017/18: Reports on the economic cluster departmental strategic planning documents analysed Impact assessment reports on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments Implementation of women empowerment monitoring and evaluation frameworks monitored Monitoring and evaluation system developed Assess the impact and progress made on the elimination of gender-based violence in the country 2018/11/28

Sub-Programme: Research and Policy Analysis Sub-Programme: Information and Knowledge Management Strategic Objective Improved analysis of policy implementation and international commitment implementation, using available knowledge, research and information databases Five-Year Target Research agenda developed; policy implementation analysis utilised to enhance government delivery on commitments Strategic Objective Effective information and knowledge gateway on socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality developed Five-Year Target Information and knowledge gateway on socio-economic empowerment of women functional 2018/11/28

Sub-Programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Sub-Programme: Information and Knowledge Management Strategic Objective Outreach and public participation initiatives, community mobilisation, and participation in international multinational forums to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality Five-Year Target 14 public participation outreach initiatives on women, including young women empowerment and promotion of human rights conducted annually 45 community mobilisation initiatives on socioeconomic issues affecting women (including young women conducted) Strategic Objective Effective information and knowledge gateway on socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality developed Five-Year Target Information and knowledge gateway on socio-economic empowerment of women functional 2018/11/28

Sub-Programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Strategic Objective Improved integration of women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality into Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans of departments and effective monitoring through the implementation of Women Empowerment and Gender Equality M&E framework and system Five-Year Target Women empowerment and gender equality M&E framework and system developed 2018/11/28


Situational Analysis The priority of the DoW will be to promote women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality across all sectors of society. The DoW has determined that there is sufficient policy and legislation to address gender equality, and has resolved instead to focus on policy and legislative implementation review and gap analysis. This includes monitoring the advancement of the socioeconomic empowerment of women in the implementation of the Nine-Point Plan, and in the implementation of strategy to eliminate and prevent violence against women and children. The DoW is also continuously seeking creative ways to do more with limited resources in the face of competing demands. 2018/11/28

Performance environment The particular responsibility given to the Minister is to lead on the gender dimension of Outcome 14: Social Cohesion and Sub-Outcome 2: Equal opportunities, inclusion and redress, with reference to: Changing attitudes and behaviour in relation to gender issues and xenophobia; and Increased progress towards gender equality. The DoW conducts awareness-raising and outreach initiatives which include national and community dialogues and campaigns on women’s social participation, women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, violence against women and children, and gender-based violence. The DoW monitors the implementation of the Presidential Directive to ensure the inclusion of women in the broader economic plans of government, the implications for women of individual government ESEID departments’ operational and spending plans, as well as the gender dimension of the Nine-Point Plan and the Operation Phakisa initiatives launched. 2018/11/28

Performance environment The DoW also enables the monitoring of progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the Status of Women in the Economy Report by the relevant departments in the Economic Cluster. With regard to the commitments it has made through international instruments, the DoW monitors and reports to various international bodies on progress made in the socio-economic empowerment of women and advocacy against, and the prevention and elimination of, gender-based violence. Organisational environment On 19 and 20 July 2015, the DoW conducted a departmental strategic review session that was attended by the Ministry and all management of the DoW. The purpose of the session was to review the Strategic Plan 2015–2020 and develop a logic model of the DoW. The organisational structure was refined as a result of observations made during the strategic review in July/August 2015. 2018/11/28

Organisational environment As from 2016/17, the DoW has been structured both organisationally and financially over three programmes: Programme 1: Administration, managed by three 3 organisational divisions – Office of the DG, Division: Corporate Management; and the Division: Finance and Supply Chain Management Programme 2: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment, managed by Branch: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management, managed by Branch: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management 2018/11/28


22 Programme 1: Administration
Programme 1: Purpose The purpose of this programme is to provide effective leadership, management and administrative support services to the DoW. Programme 1: Overview The programme consists of three sub-programmes: Departmental Management: The purpose of the sub-programme is to provide executive support, strategic leadership and management of the DoW. Financial Management: The purpose is to provide and ensure effective, efficient financial management and supply chain services. This includes budget planning and expenditure monitoring; and the management of procurement, acquisition, logistics, asset, and financial transactions. Corporate Management: The purpose of this programme is to provide effective human capital management, facilities and auxiliary 2018/11/28

23 Programme 1: Administration
Programme 1: Objectives Strategic Goal (Immediate Outcome): Promotion of strategic leadership, good governance, effective, efficient and economical use of public resources for the socio-economic empowerment of women and promotion of gender equality Goal Statement: A Department that implements prescripts and plans that support socio-economic empowerment of women and promote gender equality Sub-programme Objectives: Strengthened good governance that ensure the DoW delivers on its mandate Improved strategic financial management system in DoW, enabling delivery on the mandate Effective and appropriate Human and ICT and Physical Resource management, enabling delivery on its mandate 2018/11/28

24 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Percentage of risks in the DoW annual risk profile that have reduced in risk rating Quarterly 90% of high rated risks in the DOW risk profile reduced in risk rating Report on implementation and impact of risk mitigation plans on the high rated risks in the DoW risk profile DoW Strategic and Annual Performance Plans Annual review of Strategic Plan and APP prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks conducted Zero Draft of APP developed for budgeting purposes 1st Draft of APP 2018/19 submitted to National Treasury and DPME 2nd Draft of APP 2018/19 submitted to National Treasury and DPME Amendments to Strategic Plan and APP 2018/19 submitted to National Treasury and DPME by February and tabled by due date 2018/11/28

25 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Quarterly performance review conducted Quarterly 4 Quarterly performance review conducted 4th quarter 2016/17 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury 1st quarter 2017/18 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury 2nd quarter 2017/18 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury 3rd quarter 2017/18 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury Improved departmental MPAT scores Compliance with all MPAT required standards Status report on the MPAT Improvement Plan produced Status report on MPAT compliance with loading on the system produced 2018/11/28

26 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Percentage of audits completed against Internal Audit Coverage Plan Quarterly Annual Internal Audit plan for 2017/2018 implemented Rolling three-year strategic internal audit plan for 2017/2019 and the annual internal plan for 2017/2018 approved by the Audit and Risk Committee 25% of internal audit projects in the annual plan completed and audit reports issued 50% of internal audit projects in the annual plan completed and audit reports issued 75% of internal audit projects in the annual plan completed and audit reports issued 100% of internal audit projects in the annual plan completed and audit reports issued Percentage of internal audit recommendations implemented 95% of internal audit recommendations implemented 95% of internal audit recommendations made in the previous Quarter implemented 2018/11/28

27 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Financial Management % of invoices paid within 30 days Quarterly 100% payment of all valid invoices within 30 days Percentage expenditure in relation to budget allocated Maintain a less than 2% under spending in expenditure against budget allocation Maintain a less than 2% under spending against spending plan Maintain a less than 2% under spending against annual budget allocation Percentage of external audit recommendations implemented 95%% of external audit findings cleared 95% of external audit findings implemented 2018/11/28

28 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management Percentage Vacancy Rate Quarterly Maintain a vacancy rate of less than 10% annually <10% Percentage of disciplinary cases finalised within 90 days from date disciplinary case being initiated 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days of the cases being initiated 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days % of achievement of ICT systems availability Average of 95% systems availability measured by quarterly reports as generated by the system achieved 95% ICT system`s Availability achieved Implementation of DoW Business Systems Implementation Plan Implementation of Year 1 of the Business Systems Implementation plan Progress Report on delivery against the quarterly targets of the Year 1 Business Systems implementation Plan 2018/11/28

29 Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
PROGRAMME 1: RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Adjusted Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Administration R`000 Ministry 24 972 23 762 21 487 19 674 17 764 18 833 20 083 Departmental Management 4 892 7 826 13 998 20 162 17 323 17 537 18 376 Corporate Services 16 860 19 014 28 041 19 146 19 113 18 802 21 147 Financial Management 11 355 13 916 10 002 14 026 13 059 14 376 15 036 Office Accommodation 9 023 9 052 11 374 15 279 15 770 16 752 17 601 Total 67 102 73 570 84 902 88 287 83 029 86 300 92 243 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 33 008 37 969 48 504 50 293 50 163 52 511 56 479 Goods and services 31 717 30 934 33 485 35 353 30 136 30 897 32 717 Transfers and subsidies 495 2 711 452 2 1 Payments for capital assets 1 882 1 956 2 461 2 639 2 729 2 891 3 046 Total economic classification 2018/11/28

30 Programme 2: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment
Programme 2: Purpose The purpose of this programme is to facilitate and promote the attainment of women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality. Programme 1: Overview The programme consists of three sub-programmes: Social Empowerment and Transformation: the purpose of the sub-programme is to provide interventions mechanisms on policies and programme implementation for mainstreaming the social empowerment and participation of women towards social transformation Economic Empowerment and Participation: the purpose of the sub-programme is to provide intervention mechanisms on policies and programme implementation for mainstreaming the economic empowerment and participation of women towards economic transformation and development. Governance Transformation, Justice and Security: the purpose of the sub-programme is to mainstream gender equality, reduce and contribute to eliminating gender based violence 2018/11/28

31 Programme 2: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment
Programme 2: Objectives Strategic Goal (Immediate Outcome): Promotion of gender mainstreaming of socio-economic and governance programmes such that they accelerate a just and equitable society for women Goal Statement: A Department that ensures that policies and programmes across all sectors are engendered Sub-programme Objectives: Intervention mechanisms on policies and programme implementation for mainstreaming the economic empowerment and participation of women towards economic transformation and development Intervention mechanisms for gender mainstreaming for women’s social empowerment and participation developed Mechanisms for engendered transformation through advancing measures for the empowerment of women towards a just society developed 2018/11/28

32 Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Social Empowerment and Transformation Policy Framework for sanitary dignity developed Quarterly Policy Framework for provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls and women developed and implementation initiated Draft Framework on provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls and women approved by the Minister Outcome of consultations integrated into draft framework on provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls and women Framework on provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls and women submitted to Cabinet for approval Implementation plan on policy framework for the provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls and women developed Monitoring of implementation of framework for the provision of sanitary dignity to indigent girls initiated 2018/11/28

33 Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Report on the analysis of progress and impact on empowerment of women of each component of Nine Point Plan Quarterly Analysis of progress and impact on empowerment of women of each component of Nine Point Plan Toolkit for analysis of reporting on M&E of Presidential Directive developed Report on economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan in quarter 4 Report on economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan in quarter 1. Report on economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan in quarter 2. Report on interventions to enhance the economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan in quarter 3 Women’s financial inclusion framework developed Framework on Women’s financial inclusion developed Draft women’s financial inclusion framework on developed and approved by Minister Consultations report with external stakeholders on draft women’s financial inclusion framework developed Revised draft women’s financial inclusion framework developed Women’s financial inclusion framework consulted with Economic Sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development (ESEID) Cluster Departments Women’s financial inclusion framework submitted to Cabinet 2018/11/28

34 Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Intervention on framework for GFPs. Quarterly Recommendations on a new accountability mechanism for HoDs and functions, competencies, and location of GFPs managed with DPSA and monitored Consultations with Ministers on the draft GFP framework held Refinement of the outcomes of consultations on the draft GFP framework approved Quarterly progress report to Cabinet on the GFP framework consulted in government Clusters Quarterly progress report to Cabinet submitted Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) framework developed GRB framework developed and finalised Expert consultations on GRB concept held Draft GRB framework developed and approved by the Minister Draft GRB framework consulted on government processes Draft GRB framework on GRB consulted with G&A DG’s cluster and ESEID DG’s cluster departments GRB framework developed and finalised Interventions to enhance prevention and elimination of violence against women and children Cabinet consideration of the report on the outcome of National Dialogues Analysis report on preliminary findings of National Dialogues on violence against women and children held in previous quarter Analysis report on preliminary findings of National Dialogues on violence against women and children held in previous quarter Analysis Report on outcomes of the National Dialogues and proposals on 365 Days Campaign for No Violence against Women and Children Cabinet consideration of the report on the outcome of National Dialogues 2018/11/28

35 Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
PROGRAMME 2: RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Adjusted Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment R`000 Management: STEE 8 932 10 227 3 278 3 459 5 102 5 416 6 997 Social Empowerment and Transformation 3 969 7 802 11 948 3 221 4 576 7 817 8 047 Governance Transformation, Justice and Security - 237 4 192 3 920 6 029 5 958 Economic Empowerment and Participation 3 639 3 072 5 656 5 567 Commission for Gender Equality 63 080 67 235 67 689 69 891 78 266 82 805 87 442 Total 75 981 85 264 83 152 84 402 94 936 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 3 863 5 870 4 672 7 265 8 028 13 181 13 986 Goods and services 8 786 12 073 10 723 6 824 8 267 11 340 12 164 Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets 252 86 68 422 375 397 419 Total economic classification 2018/11/28

36 Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination And Knowledge Management
Programme 3: Purpose The purpose of Programme 3 is to undertake research, policy analysis, knowledge management, monitoring, evaluation, outreach and stakeholder coordination for women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality. Programme 1: Overview The programme consists of four sub-programmes: Research and Policy Analysis: the purpose of the sub-programme is to promote the development of gender sensitive research and conduct policy analysis to intervene in transformation for women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Information and Knowledge Management: the purpose of the sub-programme is to position the DoW as the knowledge hub on socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach: the purpose of the sub-programme is stakeholder management, international relation and to conduct outreach initiatives which promote women’s socioeconomic empowerment and gender equality. Monitoring and evaluation: the purpose of the sub-programme is to monitor and evaluate progress on the empowerment of women in line with national laws, regional, continental and international treaties and commitments 2018/11/28

37 Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination And Knowledge Management
Programme 3: Objectives Strategic Goal (Immediate Outcome): Promotion of gender knowledge and research, policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation for socio-economic empowerment of women; and advocacy and information sharing in outreach campaigns and stakeholder engagement with respect to women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Goal Statements: Engendered information and knowledge on evidence based research with monitoring and evaluation systems that track progress on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality; and outreach initiatives that are informed by and inform society on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Sub-programme Objectives: Engendered research and policies that benefit and empower women socio-economically IKM Audits on Socio-Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality Coordination of stakeholders (domestic, regional and international) that promote women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Outreach initiatives on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality conducted Monitor progress made on socio-economic empowerment of women and evaluate impact of government programmes developed to change lives of women in the country Analyse, monitor and evaluate programmes developed by justice cluster to eliminate gender based violence 2018/11/28

38 Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Research and Policy Analysis Number of reports on progress made on women’s empowerment in the Economic Departments Quarterly Report on socio-economic empowerment of women through government economic incentive schemes First draft report on socio-economic empowerment of women through government economic incentive schemes developed and approved by the Minister Consultation with women beneficiaries of government economic incentive schemes. Draft report on socio-economic empowerment of women through government economic incentive schemes finalised and presented to FOSAD Cluster Report on socio-economic empowerment of women through government economic incentive schemes presented to Cabinet Sub-programme: Information and Knowledge Management ( Communications) Improved communication on women’s empowerment and gender equality through various information, knowledge and media platforms Quarterly reports on gender communication and information made available on DoW media platforms Report on gender communication and information resources loaded onto repositories on internet, intranet and used in communication 2018/11/28

39 Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Number of public participation / outreach initiatives on women’ empowerment, including girls and young women Quarterly 10 public participation / outreach Initiatives on women’s empowerment conducted (Outcome 14 Programme) 3 public participation outreach initiatives on socioeconomic empowerment including young women 2 public participation outreach initiatives on socioeconomic empowerment including young women    365 Days Campaign for No Violence Against Women and Children rolled out 4 Community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio-economic issues affecting women such as gender based violence , social cohesion, nation building and other related intolerance per year National dialogues at Provincial level on violence against women and children held Women’s day initiative 16 Days of Activism against Violence Against Women and Children - 2018/11/28

40 Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Number of international engagements at multi-lateral forums on women’s affairs and gender Quarterly Participation in SADC, AU, Commonwealth and UN women’s affairs and gender meetings as invited 1 participation report on international multilateral forum i.e. UN, SADC, Commonwealth, AU Number of reports on implementation of government commitments on international instruments 4 Country Reports for international Multi-lateral Forums (1) Commission on the Status of Women Report (annually) (2) Report on preparatory work for the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development due in 2018 (3) Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of Women in Africa due in 2017 (4) Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa 2018/11/28

41 Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2017/18 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Number of Monitoring Reports on Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 Number of Evaluation reports Quarterly Mid –Term 4 quarterly Monitoring Reports on progress against Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 Performance Monitoring Report on Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 Implementation Monitoring Report on Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 Implementation Monitoring on Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 Mid-Term Evaluation Report on Nine Point Plan and Outcome 14 2018/11/28

42 Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets 2017/18
PROGRAMME 3: RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Adjusted Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management R`000 Management: PSCKM - 4 268 4 057 2 638 2 828 3 005 Research and Policy Analysis 3 809 7 686 3 503 4 481 4 385 4 805 5 124 Information and Knowledge Management 752 2 224 1 061 3 225 3 445 Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach 6 256 7 326 8 634 9 207 16 244 22 413 23 572 Monitoring and Evaluation 8 491 3 682 3 155 4 229 3 870 6 709 7 108 Total 18 556 18 694 20 312 24 198 28 198 39 980 42 254 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 12 034 13 845 10 467 15 055 13 709 19 759 20 970 Goods and services 6 488 4 254 9 574 8 473 13 777 19 467 20 488 Transfers and subsidies 83 29 Payments for capital assets 34 512 242 670 712 754 796 Total economic classification 2018/11/28

43 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE 2018/11/28

2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Revised allocation 72,613 71,900 85,451 91,435 Budget growth/reduction - +11,640 +12,292 Funded posts 109 108 122

The approved post establishment has 135 approved posts of which 108 (80%) are funded and 27 remain unfunded (20%). Reduction to the 2017/18 Compensation of Employees baseline will result in zero growth and maintenance of current establishment for current FY. Vacancy rate to be determined on the basis of funded vacancies: anticipated vacancy rate will remain less than 10%. However, increased baseline allocations for 2018/19 (R 11,640) and 2019/20 (R 12,292) will result in a significant expansion of capacity in the core programmes. These amounts will be ring-fenced and allocated on the basis of the evolving service delivery model and following concurrence from the MPSA


Total budget allocation for 2017/18 is R206,163 million Included in total budget of R206,163 million is R 78,266 million for CGE Net budget allocation is R127,897 million Budget is allocation per Economic Classification is: Compensation of Employees R 71,900 million Goods and Services R 52,180 million Transfers & Subsidies (including CGE) R 78,267 million Capital Payments R 3,816 million

48 2017 MTEF PER PROGRAMME Programme 2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20
Administration 83 029 86 300 92 243 Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment 16 670 24 918 26 569 Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management 28 198 39 980 42 254 Total Operational Budget Plus: Commission for Gender Equality 78 266 82 805 87 442 Total Departmental Allocation General Budget Support

2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of Employees 71 900 85 451 91 435 Goods and Services 52 180 61 704 65 369 Transfer and Subsidies 78 267 82 806 87 443 Capital Payments 3 816 4 042 4 261 Total

2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Ministry 17 764 18 833 20 083 Departmental Management 17 323 17 537 18 376 Corporate Services 19 113 18 802 21 147 Financial Management 13 059 14 376 15 036 Office Accommodation 15 770 16 752 17 601 Total 83 029 86 300 92 243 Economic Classification 2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of Employees 50 163 52 511 56 479 Goods and Services 30 136 30 897 32 717 Transfer and Subsidies 1 Capital Payments 2 729 2 891 3 046 Total 83 029 86 300 92 243

2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Management: Social Transformation & Economic Empowerment 5 102 5 416 6 997 Social Empowerment & Transformation 4 576 7 817 8 047 Governance Transformation Justice & Security 3 920 6 029 5 958 Economic Empowerment & Participation 3 072 5 656 5 567 Commission for Gender Equality 78 266 82 805 87 442 Total 94 936 Economic Classification 2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of Employees 8 028 13 181 13 986 Goods and Services 8 267 11 340 12 164 Transfer and Subsidies 78 266 82 805 87 442 Capital Payments 375 397 419 Total 94 936

2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Management: Policy Coordination and Knowledge Management 2 638 2 828 3 005 Research and Policy Analysis 4 385 4 805 5 124 Information and Knowledge Management 1 061 3 225 3 445 Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach 16 244 22 413 23 572 Monitoring and Evaluation 3 870 6 709 7 108 Total 28 198 39 980 42 254 Economic Classification 2017/18 (R’000) 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of Employees 13 709 19 759 20 970 Goods and Services 13 777 19 467 20 488 Transfer and Subsidies Capital Payments 712 754 796 Total 28 198 39 980 42 254

53 2017/18 ENE BUDGET Baseline reductions are:
The following budget amendments were implemented to the DoW MTEF budget allocation: Baseline reductions are: Compensation of Employees – R801 thousand Goods & Services – R439 thousand Capex – R37 thousand Implications: No increase on staff establishment of 120 officials Reduction on Goods & Services is within Programme 1

54 2018/19 MTEF BUDGET Baseline Reductions are: Baseline Increases are:
The following budget amendments were implemented to the DoW MTEF budget allocation: Baseline Reductions are: Compensation of Employees – R838 thousand Goods & Services – R397 thousand Capex – R35 thousand Baseline Increases are: Compensation of Employees – R11,640 million (Capacity in Core Programmes) Goods & Services – R6,757 million (Capacity in Core Programmes) Implication in Increases: Increased capacity in Core Programmes to enable DoW to implement mandate

55 2019/20 MTEF BUDGET Baseline Reductions are: Baseline Increases are:
The following budget amendments were implemented to the DoW MTEF budget allocation: Baseline Reductions are: Compensation of Employees – R884 thousand Goods & Services – R508 thousand Capex – R44 thousand Baseline Increases are: Compensation of Employees – R12,292 million (Capacity in Core Programmes) Goods & Services – R7,135 million (Capacity in Core Programmes) Implication in Increases: Increased capacity in Core Programmes to enable DoW to implement mandate

56 2017 - 2020 MTEF BUDGET Implications of budget amendments:
It is imperative for DoW to forge partnerships with departments with similar priorities and projects to augment the insufficient budget for Goods & Services G&S budget cuts not implemented on line function budget allocations to maximise implementation of APP Enforcement and implement Treasury Regulations of Austerity Measures and Cost Cutting to accommodate pressing priorities of DoW No GBS Funding in this year, new motivation to be submit to National Treasury for a new allocation from 2017/18 No cost extension on GBS funding application made to National Treasury for the balance of the R11,152 million for the National Dialogues in 2017/18

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