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Day 3 Magnetic Forces on Current-Carrying wires

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1 Day 3 Magnetic Forces on Current-Carrying wires
Magnetism Day 3 Magnetic Forces on Current-Carrying wires

2 RHR-1 PRACTICE Sign + Magnetic Field East Velocity North Force Sign
Down Velocity West Force South Sign - Magnetic Field North Velocity Force West Sign + Magnetic Field East Velocity West Force

3 When current flows through a wire, the individual charges are forced in a certain direction, and thus the wire experiences a force. Since d = rt, L = vDt Wire of length L I Fmag Remember, I consists of + charges.


5 THE DC MOTOR Split-Ring Commutator Field Magnets (SRC)
(Permanent Magnets) Loop of current-carrying wire Brushes Current Source

6 The purpose of each part
Source: Provides current to the loop. Loop: Provides a path for the current to flow, and feels the FORCE that turns the motor. Split-Ring Commutator (SRC): Allows current to flow into the loop and out of the loop. Switches POLARITY every 180o (or half-turn) Brushes: Keep in contact with the SRC (which is turning) without causing the wires to the source to get wound up, kinked, or coiled. Field Magnets: Create a B field that forces the wire to turn.

7 DC Motors: How they work

8 The picture below shows a cross-section of the wire loop (showing a cut at the location of the pink dashed line).

9 Find the direction of the force on the loop of wire at point ….
B C D B C D When does the wire loop experience …. #1) Maximum Force? #2) Zero Force? What major event happens every half-turn?

10 Some practice problems
Which direction will the orange dot move? I S N Which direction is current flowing? Into A or out of A? N S A A

11 What would happen if …. #1) The loop of wire was perpendicular to the
B-field when the battery was hooked up? #2) The magnets were removed from a DC Motor? #3) The Split-Ring Commutator wasn’t split, but was a solid ring? #4) The wire loop had many LOOPS (WINDINGS) before coming back to the commutator? #5) The current was AC (Alternating Current) instead of DC (Direct Current) #6) The brushes hit the “split” in the split-ring


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