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AGE OF EXPLORATION Do Now: Think/Pair/Share - Why do people explore?

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Presentation on theme: "AGE OF EXPLORATION Do Now: Think/Pair/Share - Why do people explore?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGE OF EXPLORATION Do Now: Think/Pair/Share - Why do people explore?

2 Ptolemy Intro:1400s and Geography
By the 1400s most Europeans knew that the world was round, however there were no maps that expanded beyond the Mediterranean Sea. 1295 – Byzantine monk found The Geography hand drawn maps of the World by a Greek educated Egyptian scholar named Ptolemy (2nd Century Roman Empire) 1406, translated into Latin Europeans 1569 – Gerardus Mercator

3 Ptolemy’s world, indicating "Sinae" (China) at the extreme right, beyond the island of "Taprobane" (Sri Lanka, oversized) and the "Aurea Chersonesus" (Malay Peninsula – Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand). Assigned latitude and longitude coordinates to all places and geographic features he knew


5 I. Motives for traveling
European countries had a more difficult time getting spices and silks from Asia since the Mongols lost control of the Silk Road (to the Turks). New Technology- Europeans adopted the astrolabe from the Arabs. This device helped find latitudes. The Chinese invented a compass which helped navigators find magnetic north. Kings and Queens made money by taxing trade and therefore could afford expensive explorations.

6 II. 1400s: Major Players Four Strong Kingdoms:
England France Spain Portugal Goal: find a sea trade route to Asia…. Since England and France were fighting the Hundred Years War ( ) and Spain was fighting the Muslims (N African Muslims controlled Spain for 700 years), this gave Portugal the early jump in the area of exploration.

7 FYI: Beginning of Slavery
Portuguese discovered sugarcane on Africa’s coast line. Sugar was valuable to Europe, the Portuguese began bringing enslaved Africans to the islands, beginning the system of slave labor and slave trade.

8 Some Portuguese Colonies
Cape Verde Islands

9 III. Effects of the Crusades
The Christians loved new goods from the Middle East. Goods taken to Europe after the Crusades. New goods = great demand in Europe. *Also undermined feudalism The Crusades lasted over 150 years Christians gained control of Jerusalem at the end of the 1st Crusade Lasted 90 years Saladin (1187) Muslim Sultan Defeated Christians and took the city back

10 So, Why explore? National Competition Spread of Christianity Wealth

11 IV. European Explorers

12 1. Henry the Navigator Henry the Navigator- Prince of Portugal. He set up a research center for shipbuilders, sailors, and cartographers to help him explore the world.

13 2. Bartholomew Dias A Portuguese explorer he was the first to reach the southern tip of Africa, he named it the Cape of Good Hope.


15 3. Christopher Columbus- Italian Explorer
His plan was to reach the West Indies by going across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain sponsored his expensive voyage since they had finally driven the Muslims from Spain. Columbus landed in San Salvador an island near Cuba. However, he believed he was in Asia. He returned to the island three times, never realizing he was in the Americas.

16 Columbus & Queen of Spain

17 Columbus lands in America

18 4. Vasco da Gama Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama found the eastern sea route to India He sailed around the Southern tip of Africa

19 Vasco de Gama’s Route

20 5. Vasco de Balboa Vasco de Balboa was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

21 Vasco de Balboa

22 6. Ferdinand Magellan 1st circumnavigation of the globe.
Followed Columbus’s route. He sailed around the Americas and discovered the Strait of Magellan. The Strait was stormy, when he arrived at the vast calm sea, he named it the Pacific Ocean because it was peaceful. Magellan did not survive his voyage because he was killed by the local people of the Philippines, however his crew completed the voyage.

23 Ferdinand Magellan

24 Magellan’s Route

25 V. Spanish Explorers After the voyage of Columbus- Spain wanted to build a vast empire in the Americas. They enslaved Native Americas and forced them to grow sugarcane. (new labor force) Spanish nobles set out to the Americas with the hope of becoming rich, they were known as conquistadors. Two examples are: Hernan Cortes- conquered the Aztecs Francisco Pizarro- conquered the Incas

26 VI. Results of Exploration
Slavery Colonialism Mercantilism Destruction of Aztec and Incan empires Columbian Exchange


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