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Chapter 1 Opener A plethora of adaptations

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1 Chapter 1 Opener A plethora of adaptations

2 Figure 1. 1 A tuberculosis ward at a U. S
Figure 1.1 A tuberculosis ward at a U.S. Army base hospital in France during World War I Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

3 Figure 1.2 Evolution of drug resistance
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

4 Figure 1.2 Evolution of drug resistance
Evolution-2e-Fig R.jpg

5 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 5 Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck

6 Figure 1. 3 (A) Lamarck’s theory of organic progression
Figure 1.3 (A) Lamarck’s theory of organic progression. (B) Darwin’s theory of descent with modification Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

7 Figure 1.3 (A) Lamarck’s theory of organic progression
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

8 Figure 1.3 (B) Darwin’s theory of descent with modification
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

9 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 6 (1) Charles Robert Darwin

10 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 6 (2) Alfred Russel Wallace

11 Figure 1.4 Contrast between transformational and variational theories of evolutionary change, shown across three generations Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

12 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 9 (1) Ronald A. Fisher

13 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 9 (2) J. B. S. Haldane

14 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 9 (3) Sewall Wright

15 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 10 (1) Ernst Mayr Evolution-2e-Photo-01-p010-1.jpg

16 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 10 (2) G. Ledyard Stebbins, George Gaylord Simpson, and Theodosius Dobzhansky

17 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 11 Motoo Kimura Evolution-2e-Photo-01-p011.jpg

18 Photo, Ch. 1, p. 12 William D. Hamilton

19 Figure 1. 5 In 1999, Ernst Mayr, George C
Figure 1.5 In 1999, Ernst Mayr, George C. Williams, and John Maynard Smith received the Crafoord Prize in Biological Sciences Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

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