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Production of Phi meson at 62.4GeV AuAu Collisions

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1 Production of Phi meson at 62.4GeV AuAu Collisions
Outlines: 1.Dataset , cut & method 2.Centroid & Width 3.Correction Factor 4.Spectra 5.Conclusion Shengli Huang Vanderbilt University Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

2 The dataset, cuts and methods
DataSet: 62.4GeV Au+Au: full field: -- Centrality:0~83.7% |VertexZ|<30cm The total events~ 34M Kaon selections: Quality 31&63 Momemtum Cut ~ EMCal: mom<2.5GeV/c ~ TOFw: mom<4.0GeV/c Ghost and intruder tracks are kicked out Mixing event methods: 8 centrality bins 6 VertexZ bins 10 mixing events Normalization methods: 1)Akiba:Nevents/Nmixevents 2)Hemmick:2*sqrt(N++N--) 3)Integral yield(m0>1.10GeV) Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

3 The Phi signal Centroid & Width
Min-Bias Fit Function: Breit-wigner with Gaussian mass resolution of 1.4MeV Width: 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV Centroid: 1.020±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV Consistent with PDG value Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

4 The Centroid & Width @Centrality
The centroid and width of phi meson have not centrality dependence Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

5 Correction Factor(I) Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

6 Correction Factor(II)
Embedding Results: Cent K+ K- K+K- 0~20% 0.921±0.070 0.889 ± 0.077 0.819 ±0.007 20~40% 0.980±0.062 0.961 ±0.064 0.942 ±0.008 40~83.7% 0.977 ±0.068 0.963 ±0.009 Run-by-Run: reference #123202 Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

7 Spectra The invariant yield of phi meson as a function of mT
at three different centrality The error is statistic error only. The systematic error is about 3%. It mainly come from different fit region and normal methods Fit function: Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

8 The 1/0.5Npartdn/dy at 62GeV AuAu is smaller than 200GeV AuAu They both increase from peripheral collision and saturates at central collision. Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

9 T The T slope of phi meson at 62GeV is smaller than 200GeV. They both do not show centrality difference. Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

10 Conclusions 1.The production of phi in 62.4GeV Au+Au collision has been studied. 2.The centroid & width of phi meson do not show clear centrality dependence 3.The T slope &1/0.5*Npartdn/dy at 62GeV AuAu are smaller than 200GeV. At these two energy, the T does not show centrality dependence, while 1/0.5*Npartdn/dy has a little increase from peripheral to central collisions Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

11 The Phi signal Centroid & Width
3.Integral:4.03 ± 0.44MeV 1.Akiba: 4.61±0.46MeV Min-Bias Width: 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV Centroid: 1.020±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV Consistent with PDG value 2.Hemmick:4.93 ± 0.47MeV Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang

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