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Charleston Academy English Department

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Presentation on theme: "Charleston Academy English Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charleston Academy English Department
Welcome to National 5 English!

2 Who awards your certificate?

3 The SQA

4 SQA stands for Scottish Qualification Authority.

5 What will you be expected to do?

6 Reading Writing Talking Listening

7 Reading You will study a range of literature in S3 and 4 (S5 if doing over 2 years) in preparation for your final choice of texts for the exam at the end of S4 or S5 This could be poetry, prose, film, drama, TV drama or language Close Reading Textual Analysis

8 Writing There are 3 types that you will be working on Personal
Creative Discursive

9 Talking and Listening Speaking and Listening are skills that you will be practising in groups and as solo presentations

10 UASPs In order to sit the exam you will need to be able to pass UASPs (Unit Assessment Support Packs) Writing Talking Reading Listening These will be assessed in S4- during class time

11 How will you be graded You will be graded A-D
30% of your grade will be from a writing folio 70% from your final exam at the end of S4 or S5

12 What is a folio? Each extended piece of writing you complete in class will be re-drafted and put into a special poly-pocket which will remain in your English classroom. In S4 or S5 your 2 best writing pieces will be sent off to the SQA for grading The folio will include one discursive piece and either a personal or a creative The pieces will be marked out of 15 marks

13 When will I sit the exam? You will sit the exam at the end of S4 or S5

14 The exam Exam (70%) Section 1 - Close Reading paper out of 30 marks (30%) Section 2a – Critical essay on a previously studied text. (Can’t take the text into the exam) (20%) Section 2b – Textual Analysis on a previously studied Scottish text. At Charleston we study “Sailmaker” (Can’t take the text into the exam) (20%)

15 National 5 English- Grade A
Your Certificate will be sent to your home in August,.

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