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Sunni & Sh’ia Four “rightly-guided” Caliphs over Islam Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali – challenged by Aisha, Mu’awiya Civil War, Ali Assassinated Ali’s.

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3 Sunni & Sh’ia Four “rightly-guided” Caliphs over Islam Abu Bakr Umar
Uthman Ali – challenged by Aisha, Mu’awiya Civil War, Ali Assassinated Ali’s son Hussein martyred in battle Other son Hassan poisoned


5 Sunni & Shi’a: Theological Differences
No formal clergy Rely on written tradition, consensus of independent scholars, clerics

6 Sunni & Shi’a: Theological Differences
12 “Imams” descended from founder Ali 12th Imam, Muhammad Al-Mahdi Claim to Caliphate Disappeared at 4 yrs old Sunni claimed he was dead Shi’a said he was “hidden” & would return

7 Sunni & Shi’a: Theological Differences
Established council of clerics after last “true” Imam descended from Ali died Focus on current, charismatic leaders who speak with Pope-like infallibility, e.g. Ayatollah Khomeini Add “Ali is the beloved of Allah” to Shahadah Different call to prayer, prayer style, put clay from Karbalah on forehead (where Ali killed).

8 Sufi Suf = wool Focus on God’s love, mystical experiences, esp. seeing God’s face Asceticism, poverty Whirling dervish subsect

9 Sufi

10 Sufi

11 Sufi

12 Sufi

13 Islam Israel & Palestine
61 B.C. Romans occupy Judah 70 1st Revolt 132 2nd Bar-Kokbah Revolt 135 Romans drive most Jews from Rome, name the area Palaestina (“Philistine Syria”) 638 Caliph Umar conquers Jerusalem

14 Islam Israel & Palestine
19th Century - Zionism - Jews move to Israel 200,000 Arabs in Palestine No national identity Settlers had mixed views from utopian to exclusionary

15 Islam Israel & Palestine
1917 Balfour Declaration Britain promises a national homeland to the Jews in Palestine which will not infringe of the rights of the current population in the 1918 WWI ends Britain and France take control of Middle Eastern colonies of the Ottoman Empire

16 Islam Israel & Palestine
1920 Mandate of Palestine “Palestine” split at the Jordan river West of the Jordan (23%) = “Palestine” a Jewish homeland East of the Jordan (77%) = “Transjordan” an Arab homeland (later simply “Jordan”)


18 Islam Israel & Palestine
Periodic Violence over increasing Jewish immigration in Palestine 1939 Under pressure from Arabs, British Govt. Issues White Paper of 1939, which limits Jewish immigration Jews to immigrate anyway bc of Holocaust Pressure on Intl Community for Jewish homeland promised in Balfour

19 Islam Israel & Palestine
1947 UN plans another partition of “Palestine” (23% of original territory) into an Arab and Jewish State Arabs reject the offer, both sides arm for war 1948 Israel Declares Independence Civil War breaks out British Troops Evacuate


21 Islam Israel & Palestine
1948 After 6 Weeks of War, the Jews win, truce declared Expulsions on both sides k Arab refugees created Arab countries refuse to take in refugees 1964 Palestinian Liberation Organization created 1967 Surrounding nations attack Israel Israel wins and takes Gaza and West Bank

22 Islam Israel & Palestine
1983 Islamic Jihad forms and begins terrorist attacks 1987 Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine) launches first Intafada - Islamic terror 1993 Oslo Accords - Yassir Arafat offered 97% of Six Day War Territory - West Bank, Gaza, East Jerauslam - walks away and starts 2nd Intafada (terrorist attacks) Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Arafat’s Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade begin suicide bombings

23 Islam Israel & Palestine
2003 Israelis begin building security fence 2004 Hamas wins election over Arafat’s Fatah party after Arafat’s death, renounces suicide bombings, arms smuggling 2005 Israel forces Gaza settlers to leave and gives the land to the Palestinians

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