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Today You will need a piece of paper today..

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1 Today You will need a piece of paper today.

2 Julius Caesar Review

3 Test Review To get the full 20 points, you must follow along on your paper with ALL OF THE ANSWERS. Take a guess; wrong answers are acceptable today.

4 Terms (1-10) Verse Drama (Shakespearean) Tragedy (Shakespearean) Comedy (Shakespearean) History Blank Verse Iambic Pentameter Soliloquy Aside Rhetorical Question Parallelism

5 1 Repeated grammatical structure.

6 Parallelism

7 2 Questions requiring no answer.

8 Rhetorical Question

9 3 Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter.

10 Blank Verse

11 4 A play that ends happily and that usually contains many humorous elements.

12 Comedy

13 5 A long speech given by a character while alone on stage to reveal his or her private thoughts or intentions.

14 Soliloquy

15 6 Plays in which the dialogue consists mostly or entirely of poetry.

16 Verse Drama

17 7 A play that traces the main character’s downfall.

18 Tragedy

19 8 A fixed pattern of rhythm, or meter, in which most lines contain five unstressed syllables each followed by a stressed syllable.

20 Iambic Pentameter

21 9 A character’s quiet remark to the audience or another character that no one else on stage is supposed to hear.

22 Aside

23 10 A play that chronicles the life of an English monarch.

24 History

25 Characters (11-20) Julius Caesar Brutus Cassius Antony Octavius Lepidus Lucius Soothsayer Calpurnia Portia

26 11 He appears first as a confidant and a devoted follower of Caesar, and he offers Caesar a crown during the feast of Lupercal. He is able to dupe Brutus into allowing him to speak at Caesar's funeral and by his funeral oration to excite the crowd to rebellion. He is one of the triumvirs, and he and Octavius defeat Brutus and Cassius at Philippi.

27 Antony

28 12 The brother-in-law of Brutus and an acute judge of human nature, he organizes the conspiracy against Caesar and recruits Brutus by passionate argument and by deviously placed, forged letters. He is defeated by Antony at the first battle of Philippi, and he commits suicide when he mistakenly believes that Brutus has been defeated.

29 Cassius

30 13 He warns Caesar during the celebration of the feast of Lupercal to "beware the ides of March." He again warns Caesar as he enters the Senate House.

31 Soothsayer

32 14 He joins Antony and Octavius to form the Second Triumvirate to rule the Roman Empire following the assassination of Caesar. He is weak, and Antony uses him essentially to run errands.

33 Lepidus

34 15 A successful military leader who wants the crown of Rome. Unfortunately, he is not the man he used to be and is imperious, easily flattered, and overly ambitious. He is assassinated midway through the play; later, his spirit appears to Brutus at Sardis and also at Philippi.

35 Julius Caesar

36 16 The wife of Brutus and the daughter of Marcus Cato. She argues that those familial relationships make her strong enough to conceal Brutus' secrets. She commits suicide when she realizes that her husband's fortunes are doomed.

37 Portia

38 17 Brutus' young servant; Brutus treats him with understanding, gentleness, and tolerance.

39 Lucius

40 18 The adopted son and heir of Julius Caesar; he is one of the triumvirs who rule following the death of Caesar. He and Antony lead the army that defeats Cassius and Brutus at Philippi.

41 Octavius

42 19 A judicial magistrate of Rome. He is widely admired for his noble nature. He joins the conspiracy because he fears that Caesar will become a tyrant. He defeats Octavius' forces in the first battle at Philippi, but loses the second battle and commits suicide rather than be taken prisoner.

43 Brutus

44 20 The wife of Julius Caesar; she urges him to stay at home on the day of the assassination because of the unnatural events of the previous night as well her prophetic dream in which Caesar's body is a fountain of blood.

45 Calpurnia

46 Extended Response Who is the Tragic Hero of this play? Why is this character a hero? What is the character’s downfall? What brought about this character’s downfall? (Respond to the question in FOUR FULL SENTENCES.) I won’t make you answer this today, but DO ANSWER on your Study Guide!

47 Passage Analysis Skim over the passages again.
Answer the short answer questions to the best of your ability. ALL Questions will be Multiple Choice on the Test on Friday. YOU DO NOT need to translate the passages anymore, just answer the questions! IF EVERYONE completes the questions, we will go over the answers!

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