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This lesson you will… Be able to define some key terms in the Business Studies course Be able to explain how these key terms are applicable to a business.

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson you will… Be able to define some key terms in the Business Studies course Be able to explain how these key terms are applicable to a business."— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson you will… Be able to define some key terms in the Business Studies course Be able to explain how these key terms are applicable to a business Be able to analyse the impacts of these key terms on a business and its operations

2 Target market Definition – The precise profile of the customers a firm wishes to sell to. Examples – WKD = 18 to 21 year old males *are they the only ones though? Why target a specific market? – Focused market research and focused advertising on those targeted will be far more cost-effective and time efficient.

3 Segmentation Definition - A strategy which involves dividing a large market into subgroups or ‘segments’ that share similar characteristics. Examples - Geographic = Customer location, Region, Urban/Rural, ACORN classification Demographic = Age, Gender, Occupation, Socio-economic group) Behavioural = Rates of usage, Benefits sought, Loyalty status, Readiness to purchase Psychographic = Personality, Lifestyles, Attitudes, Class Reason to segment - More beneficial as can better match customer needs Offers better opportunities for growth Enhanced profits for the firm Retain more customers

4 An individual or group with a direct interest in the activities and performance of an organisation
Owners/shareholders, Managers, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Banks, Local community, Government, etc. Impact on them… Stakeholders: Sales Trends & fashions Competition

5 At A-Level things get more difficult!
Price Promotion Place People Process Physical environment Product At A-Level things get more difficult! Your ‘easy’ GCSE 4 P’s change into 7 P’s

6 Place (i.e. how the product/service gets to the consumer)
Promotion (i.e. how customers are made aware and/or persuaded to buy the product/service) Price Marketing Mix (MM) But in this session we’ll stick with the ‘easy’ 4 P’s

7 Product B2B or B2C – Business to Business/consumer. Who are the firm targeting? Features & Design – what is it that makes consumers purchase a product? A Ferrari, an iPhone? Product portfolio – How many products does a firm sell? Do Coca-Cola only sell coke? Why not? Boston Matrix – where are the products positioned in the market in relation to others? Star, Question mark, Cash cow, dog? Product Lifecycle – Where in the product lifecycle is it currently located? Introduction, growth, maturity, decline?

8 Place (i.e. how the product/service gets to the consumer)
Channels of Distribution: Traditional Modern Direct Benefits/Drawbacks of more/less intermediaries (middlemen) in the distribution channel?

9 Promotion (i.e. how customers are made aware and/or persuaded to buy the product/service)
AIDA model: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Public Relations (PR) Merchandising (POS/POP) Sales Promotion Direct Selling Advertising

10 Price Skimming – high price to start with, then falls
Penetration – low price to start with, then rises Predator/Destroyer – much lower than competitors Loss leader – sold below cost price Psychological – sold at .99 or .95

11 What others factors could change a firm’s marketing mix???
Price – if there is another financial crisis, will selling prices need to be altered? If there is a ‘boom’, could prices be increased? Place – improvements in technology like the internet and apps on phone. Will firm’s decide to close their retail shops? What if the external environment changes… What will it mean for a firm’s Marketing Mix? What others factors could change a firm’s marketing mix??? Promotion – social trends, like people spending more time using social media. Will ‘print advertising’ become a thing of the past? Product – will materials or ingredients have to be altered due to new competitors launching new products into the market?

12 Welcome to the Business Studies class… here’s a present 
Work to do over the summer; Answer ALL the questions Even if you are unsure that your answer is correct, still have a go! You will need to hand it in first lesson back in September

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