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Welcome! DBT Parent Presentation January 27th, 2016 Kelly Carrillo

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! DBT Parent Presentation January 27th, 2016 Kelly Carrillo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! DBT Parent Presentation January 27th, 2016 Kelly Carrillo
Helene Fremder Alan Dengstat Katie sawyer

2 Mindfulness Activity Metaphor for life: sometimes we are juggling many balls/roles such as family, work and relationships KC

3 What is DBT? Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for adolescents (DBT) is an effective treatment for people who have difficulty controlling their emotions and behaviors. It addresses the relationship between the individual and his/her environment. In a school setting, students receiving DBT treatment will learn how to regulate their emotions and develop more adaptive coping skills/strategies. KC

4 Bio Social Theory BIO: There is a biological vulnerability to emotions, high sensitivity, high reactivity and slow return to baseline PLUS SOCIAL: Invalidating environment communicates that what you are feeling, thinking, doing is inaccurate, inappropriate, or wrong. (A poor fit) OVER TIME LEADS TO MULTIPLE PROBLEMS: Confusion about self Impulsivity Emotional Instability Interpersonal problems with peers AND Family LR

5 3 States of Mind Reasonable Mind (What I THINK to be) Emotional Mind
(What I FEEL to be) Wise Mind (What I KNOW to Be) LR

6 Validations Skills Validation communicates to another person that his/her feelings, thoughts, actions make sense and are understandable to you in a particular situation. REMEMBER: Validation does not necessarily mean that you like or agree with what the other person is doing, saying or feeling. It means you understand where they are coming from. Validation is NOT praise! Nail on the head video JG

7 What & Why Should We Validate?
WHAT can we validate? Feelings, thoughts and behaviors in: Ourselves & other people Validate the valid, not the invalid. You can still validate the feeling without validating the behavior (Validate your child’s feelings of anger about her low test grade even though you know she didn’t study; Don’t validate the lack of studying which led to the low grade) JG

8 WHY should we validate? It improves relationships! Increases motivation for change! Validation can show that: You are listening. You understand. You are being non-judgemental. You care about the relationship. Conflict is possible w/decreased intensity. (Agree to disagree) ZR


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