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19th Century European Nation-States

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1 19th Century European Nation-States

2 The rise of napoleon Served in revolutionary army Military genius
Rose rapidly through ranks 1799 coup to overthrow Directory First Consul of French Republic New Constitution in 1800 Citizens voted him emperor in 1804

3 Napoleon’s success Restored economic order Balanced budget
Formed national bank Restored social order Émigrés returned Privilege by birth abolished Restored religious order Concordant of 1801 Freedom of worship Restored legal order Napoleonic Code Abolished estates, equal legal rights

4 Napoleon’s weakness Believed he could modernize Europe Fought wars of expansion Waged economic warfare in the Continental System Russian invasion in 1812 was disaster European coalition defeated Napoleon at Leipzig, final defeat at Waterloo Died in exile on St. Helena

5 Latin American revolutions
Saint-Domingue (Haiti) was first and only successful slave revolt Wealthy due to sugar plantations Toussaint Louverture led revolt of maroons, free blacks, and slaves Creoles in Latin America resented control by peninsulares De Iturbide led Mexican independence Bolivar and San Martin led South American independence Brazil under Dom Pedro I was peaceful and only monarchy

6 Congress of Vienna Major European powers met to restore balance of power after Napoleon Austria, England, Prussia, and Russia were the major players French monarchy was restored under Louis XVIII Surrounded France with strong states Continued to meet yearly as the “Concert of Europe”

7 Political ideologies Conservatism – wanted monarchies, believed revolution was bad, return to the status quo Liberalism – wanted to limit the power of the monarchs, favored enlightened ideas, usually the bourgeoisie, republican forms of government Radicalism – believed in revolution with violence if necessary, more government participation for people, social reforms, inspired communism

8 Revolutionary ideals Abolitionist movement gains traction in early 1800s with new legislation By 1888, slavery was banned in all of the Atlantic states Women’s rights advocated by Mary Wollstonecraft Women gained choices in education Right to vote will not happen until 20th century

9 Nationalism in italy City-states ruled by foreigners Guissepe Mazzini led “Young Italy” Early revolts unsuccessful Camillo di Cavour of Sardinia allied with France and provoked Austria to war Garibaldi led “Red Shirts” in the south Unified Italy became constitutional monarchy under Victor Emmanuel Vatican City created for Church

10 Nationalism in Germany 1864-1871
HRE dissolved under Napoleon Prussia and Austria led Federal Diet Zollverein became basis of conflict Otto von Bismarck led unification through use of “realpolitik” Provoked war with Austria and France Unification biggest event of 19th century William II crowned Kaiser of the Second Reich

11 Nationalism in other states
Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821 Bourbon monarchy depose d in 1830 Revolutions of 1848 deposed Louis Philippe Second Republic led by Louis Napoleon as president Napoleon III crown emperor

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