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Tragedy according to Aristotle

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1 Tragedy according to Aristotle
The tragic figure is a noble, good person, but not perfect. The tragic figure has a tragic flaw (hamartia), that could be an excess of a particular virtue. The tragic figure’s downfall is his/her own fault. The punishment exceeds the crime. Downfall has a ripple effect. The tragic fall is not pure loss. Gain in self knowledge.


3 Double, double toil and trouble Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

4 A Tragedy by William Shakespeare

5 The “Real” Macbeth

6 True: Did kill his cousin Duncan to take the kingdom. Did battle Siward and Malcolm . False: Did not murder Duncan. He died in battle. Was not a bad king. Actually better than Duncan. Was king for more than ten years and at least twice repelled Siward and Malcolm before finally losing.

7 James I

8 Play written around 1606 three years after King James in power.
He claimed kinship with Banquo (the good guy of the play). So helped legitimize him. He may have sometimes been on or very nearby stage during the play to emphasize the connection.


10 In 1605 King James was threatened by the gunpowder plot in which Guy Fawkes among other rebel Catholics tried to blow up parliament. Allusion to this in Porter act II scene III, talks of equivocators going to hell. The leader of the Catholic rebels wrote a treatise encouraging Catholics to be equivocators, fudging whether they were Catholic or not.

11 James I was a great believer in witchcraft.


13 King James believed in witchcraft and wrote his own treatise on the subject in 1597– Daemonologie.
Believed in the chain of being. God-king-people-animals-demons.




17 Macbeth Lady Macbeth

18 The three “weird sisters” predict Macbeth will become king
The three “weird sisters” predict Macbeth will become king. Name the allusion.

19 What is ambition?” Is it a good quality? Bad quality?

20 Define Tragedy






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