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Solving 1-Step Equations by Multiplying and Dividing

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Presentation on theme: "Solving 1-Step Equations by Multiplying and Dividing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving 1-Step Equations by Multiplying and Dividing

2 Objective The student will be able to show the steps to solve one step equations using inverse operations Is there anything new in today’s objective? What inverse operations haven’t we discussed?

3 Real World Connections
JD went to the store and wanted to buy some King Sized Snickers. The Snickers costs $2 per bar. If he has $12, how many Snickers can he buy?

4 On this slide I call up two volunteers and give one person some markers and say, ok, what do I have to do to make this fair? Give the other 4 markers. Now I take 2 from this person. What do I have to do to make it fair?

5 Thinking through the problem…
Please write down the questions that I ask myself What do I do differently to solve this problem compared to yesterday’s problems?

6 One Step Equations To solve one step equations, you need to ask three questions about the equation: What is the variable? What operation is performed on the variable? What is the inverse (opposite) operation? (The one that will undo what is being done to the variable)

7 Let’s try this one together
Remember, the operation changes, the number stays the same!

8 Try this one on your own…
Make sure to show your steps!

9 Objective The student will be able to show the steps to solve one step equations using inverse operations What inverse operation haven’t we used to solve?

10 Thinking through the problem…
What operation is going on? How am I going to undo it?

11 Remember cancelling from Fractions?

12 Let’s try this one together
Remember, the operation changes, the number stays the same

13 Partner Time! Partner A Partner B Etc, etc, etc!
“First, I would _______________” Partner B “Then, I would ______________” “Then I would ____________” Etc, etc, etc! Once you have talked through the steps, solve the problem and CHECK your answer Both partners raise your hand when you agree on an answer and wait to be checked

14 Try this one on your own…
Make sure to show your steps!

15 Objective The student will be able to show the steps to solve one step equations using inverse operations Remember to re-rate yourself – has your level of understanding increased?

16 Levels of Understanding
4 - I can teach the topic of one step equations USING inverse operations or apply it to something we have not learned. 3 – I can SHOW steps and solve one-step equations without errors. 2 – I can solve one-step equations without showing my work. 1 – Huh?

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