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Talk for teachers of the faith

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1 Talk for teachers of the faith
Monsignor Panke Fr. Mike videos: Thomistic Institute Videos:

2 Old Testament = Jewish Scriptures = Torah First 5 books = Pentateuch (5 scrolls) Torah (Law, often also means first 5 books)

3 Covenant: Sacred Agreement/Relationship Noah (Genesis)

4 Covenant: Sacred Agreement/Relationship Abraham (Genesis)

5 Covenant: Sacred Agreement/Relationship Abraham (Genesis)

6 Covenant: Sacred Agreement/Relationship Abraham (Genesis)

7 Covenant: Sacred Agreement/Relationship Moses (Exodus)

8 Moses: Birth and rescue (Exodus)
Basket is Hebrew word is Ark or small boat

9 Moses: Birth and Rescue Moses means “I fished him out of the water”

10 Moses and the Burning Bush God’s name: I AM Exodus 3

11 Moses before Pharaoh

12 Frog plague: Egyptian Goddess Heket (Exodus)

13 Passover (Exodus)

14 Parting of the Red Sea: Escaping the Egyptian Chariots

15 Parting of the Red Sea (Exodus)

16 Parting of the Red Sea: Song of Miriam Celebration! (Exodus)

17 Jesus uses Passover Meal to Institute Eucharist


19 Christ works through the minister of the Sacraments, so sacraments work no matter how holy the priest is

20 Transubstantiation—Consecration of the Eucharist
Trans—CHANGE Substance The changing of the substance of the bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. So there is no more bread and wine. There is only Jesus Christ.

21 Jesus founded the Church and gave us the Sacraments
The most important Sacrament is the Eucharist because it is Jesus. And Jesus is God! The Eucharist is the most important part of a Christian's life

22 Mount Sinai is where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments (Exodus)

23 Mount Sinai is where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments

24 When you hear about a rule or a commandment, are you happy?
The Israelites were happy to have the Commandments! Why?? The Commandments told them how to be holy like God and how come to God. They are safety rules for your soul. They are part of the Covenant—the agreement and relationship—between us and God. They show God wants us to be like Him and with Him!

25 Ark of the Covenant The Israelites carried with them the symbols of the Covenant with God. They carried a huge wood and gold box, called the Ark of the Covenant.

26 Ark of the Covenant Inside the Ark were symbols of their relationship and agreement with God—symbols of the Covenant He had made with them.

27 Jesus gave us a New Commandment
Jesus said: Love one another as I have loved you. That means to Love like Him—to be holy To follow Him—be His disciple (New Testament: Gospels)

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