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Solar Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Energy

2 Solar panel Photovoltaic Module/Panel Solar Cells
Generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications Light Energy from Sun Photovoltaic effect

3 Solar Cell Power calculators to cars Many make up a solar panel
Silicon Layers Electric Field Generating electricity Powering the house

4 Silicon Layers Bulk of cell Where they meet most action takes place
Metal strips conduct flow of electrons Strong building material On its own makes poor conductor

5 Electric Field Establish and electric field
Like Magnetic field : just as opposite poles of two magnets attract each other, so do the positive and negative charges in and electric field. Phosphorus-doped = Negative Boron-doped = Positive

6 Generating Electricity
Sunlight hits the cell “photons “knocking loose” Useless until they reach the electric field at the junction When reach electric field pushes towards the top silicon layer Slingshots the electrons out of the cell to the metal conductor strips, generating electricity.

7 Solar Power System

8 Controller Charge Batteries Provide power to load Protect Solar Panel

9 Batteries Power the load Ventilation

10 Inverter Changes DC current into AC current

11 Load What are you Powering? Commonly used for lights

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