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Recognizing Product Features and Benefits Ag Sales Mrs. Gill

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Presentation on theme: "Recognizing Product Features and Benefits Ag Sales Mrs. Gill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognizing Product Features and Benefits Ag Sales Mrs. Gill

2 What is a product feature?
Product features are those characteristics of a product that can be proven. Sight Heard Touched Smelled Tasted Proven in tests by an outside source. How is bacon a feature of a pig?

3 What is a product benefit?
Product benefits are direct advantages that customers will achieve by using a product. They are usually specific to a feature. Example: Feature: T-Shirts made in America with American cotton Benefit: Support American families and farmers How does bacon benefit us?

4 Guidelines for the Feature/Benefit Demonstration
Prepare for the demonstration in advance Be prepared and practice Learn how to use the product Understand the product warranty Be prepared to answer questions Don’t make up answers…reply with “I’m not sure, but I’ll look it up and get back to you”

5 Guidelines for the Feature/Benefit Demonstration, continued
Match your products benefits and features to the customer’s needs Point out the most apparent benefits first Involve the customer Keep communication positive Close the sale

6 Methods to Create an Interactive Demonstration
SIGHT: Show your product in an interesting, colorful, and even 3-D way. HEARING: Appeal to their ears by loud, soft, or soothing sounds. TOUCH: Get your customer involved in handling a product.

7 Methods to Create an Interactive Demonstration, continued
SMELL: Appeal to their noses, or bring back smells that remind them of home. Smell is very strongly linked to memory. TASTE: People are motivated by food! Offer food samples for tasting.

8 Sell a “What’s It” Each group will receive a random object
On a sheet of paper, write down as many features and benefits as you can about your object These do not need to be conventional! Come up with as many creative and unique uses, features and benefits as you can Create a sales pitch to present to the class Each presentation must be 3-5 minutes and every group member must participate This will be for a grade!!

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