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Slide set: Advocating for PSHE

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1 Slide set: Advocating for PSHE

2 What is PSHE a planned programme of learning that equips pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives delivered as part of a whole school approach; focuses on health alongside relationships and living in the wider world Source: Public Health England (2014) Education Select Committee Inquiry into Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools

3 Policy context all state schools ‘should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice‘ (National Curriculum, section 2.5 ) Academies, free schools and independent schools are not bound by the national curriculum, however all schools share statutory duties

4 Policy context Education Act 2002, Academies Act 2010
Curriculum should be balanced and broadly based, promote spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development, and prepare pupils for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life Children Act 2004: safeguarding duties Education Act 2006: role in promoting community cohesion Equality Act 2010: prevent and tackle prejudice-based bullying pupil safeguarding defined in the Children Act 2004 as 'the promotion of physical and mental health; emotional wellbeing; social and economic wellbeing; education, training and recreation; recognition of the contribution made by children to society; and protection from harm and neglect.

5 Consensus statement from Yorkshire and Humber Directors of Public Health
There should be a universal requirement for schools to teach age appropriate PSHE and SRE. The quality of this should be assessed by Ofsted alongside the core curriculum. The public health workforce should advocate for statutory status of PSHE, and continue to engage schools to deliver comprehensive whole schools approaches to PSHE and SRE using locally identified levers. Schools should be supported to take a “whole school approach” where PSHE and SRE are complemented by actions carried out across the school which promote a positive ethos and environment. Actions taken should be based on pupil needs.

6 Why is universal PSHE important?
Leads to better health and wellbeing Leads to better attendance and attainment Enables young people to thrive and fulfil potential Relationships education leads to later sexual activity and increased likelihood of reporting abuse/exploitation Promotes emotional wellbeing and reduces stigma re mental health Teaching of social skills increases employability

7 High quality PSHE Taught programme is part of whole school approach
Delivered by well-trained staff Clear learning outcomes Focuses on skills developed through context of subject knowledge Age, stage and maturity appropriate Social norms approach Avoids use of shock, fear or guilt Regular evaluation of provision

8 Principles for promoting emotional health and wellbeing in schools

9 Role of Ofsted Ofsted inspections consider whether the school’s curriculum: is balanced and broadly based promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life Source: Education Act 2002, Academies Act 2010



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