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5.1 Why Should I Obey My Parents Or Anyone Else In My Family?

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Presentation on theme: "5.1 Why Should I Obey My Parents Or Anyone Else In My Family?"— Presentation transcript:

1 5.1 Why Should I Obey My Parents Or Anyone Else In My Family?

2 Recall the following stories:
The finding in the Temple – Jesus obeyed his parents and returned to Nazareth. Mary’s request at the wedding in Cana – Jesus obeyed his mother and turned water to wine Jesus healing the crowds – Jesus disobeys Mary and instead continued his mission

3 Jesus did not always see things the way his parents did.
He did not always agree with his parents and he did not always do the things they wanted. Jesus always showed respect for his parents and listened to what they said. Jesus did do what his parents wished as long as it didn’t go against his heavenly Father’s will.

4 Obedience Is a virtue that involves listening to and acting on the wisdom of people who are appropriately exercising their authority. It challenges us to look beyond our own wants and leads us to serve the common good.

5 Ephesians 5:21 – 6:4 Verse 21 “Be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ”

6 Colossians 3:12-21 Another version of the table of household duties. “Wives to be subject to their husbands …” “Husbands to love their wives…”

7 What is the common good?

8 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 Compares the body of Christ (the Church) to a human body. All members of society are interconnected. It challenges us to think of society as a whole just as the body has to be thought of a whole (common good).


10 Listen To Your Parents 1) Love and respect are due to parents. 2) Look for the good in what parents tell you. 3) Look to promote that good. 4) Seek the greater good, staying faithful to your conscience. 5) Listen well and give the benefit of the doubt to your parents.

11 Obey or Disobey? 1) Your parents forbid you to go out to high school parties and school dances. 2) Your father asks you to help him steal something. 3) Your teacher asks you take part in teasing a fellow student. 4) Your teacher asks you to report on a crime you have witnessed one of your class mates commit.

12 5) A police officer asks you to serve as a witness to something that you didn’t actually witness. 6) A police officer asks you to pull over for a random R.I.D.E. spot check. 7) Your best friend tells you he is being sexually abused and wants you to keep it a secret. 8) Your best friend tells you that he is HIV positive and wants you to keep it a secret.

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