Word Within a Word Unit 7A.

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1 Word Within a Word Unit 7A

2 numer (number) numerous (adj.): many
There were numerous reasons my mom wouldn’t let me go to the football game.

3 fort (strong) fortify (v.): make strong
Builders of forts had to fortify the walls to prevent invasions.

4 osteo (bone) Osteology (n.): the branch of anatomy dealing with the skeleton The osteologist was called in for consultation on his bone condition.

5 ornith (bird) ornithology (n.): study of birds
Ornithology is a science for the bird lovers of the world.

6 polis (city) metropolis (n.): large city
Metropolitan policy called for the police to be polite.

7 fus (pour) Transfusion (n.): the direct transferring of blood, plasma, or the like into a blood vessel. The stubborn old man refused to have the blood transfusion.

8 ego (I) egocentric (adj.): self centered
Bill and Tom are not just egocentric; they are egomaniacs.

9 spir (breathe) respiration (n.): act of breathing
The fish must surface to regulate their respiration.

10 dia (across) dialogue (n.): conversation between 2 people
Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue with his date, Betty.

11 acr (sharp) acrimonious (adj.): resentful and angry
The acrimonious dispute was disturbing to everyone.

12 acro (high) acrophobia (n.): fear of heights
The unfortunate acrobat suffered from acrophobia.

13 culp (blame) exculpate (v.): free from blame
Unfortunately, the culprit was exculpated and escaped punishment.

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