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Dealing with People Problems or Sartre was Totally Right

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1 Dealing with People Problems or Sartre was Totally Right
Nicholas McCall

2 People Problems vs. Problem People

3 A Foundation Know your personality
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one type Be cognizant of other personality types, emotions, and moods Or be branded, “perceptually deficient”

4 Common Moods

5 Even Teams Have Moods

6 Language Matters

7 Helpful Words We both seem to want…
Let me see if I understand you…[rephrase] I could support what you propose if… Who else besides us has something at stake? We seem to agree on X, but differ on Y… You seem to be saying, [restate and rephrase]… Is that right?

8 Fighting Words Are you SERIOUS? You are just plain wrong You always…
You never… How can you say that? You’re kidding… You can’t be serious… I can’t believe you said that What were you thinking? I understand your point, but let me tell you what really happened… That’s a dumb idea How can anyone as smart as you claim to be really believe…?

9 Conflict Visualized

10 On Being Right It makes us feel superior We get to do things our way
The Rewards of Being Right The Risks of Being Right (and making someone else wrong) It makes us feel superior We get to do things our way We feel in control We avoid being controlled Our values are confirmed Victory is sweet We win the argument We win the battle It may make someone feel inferior Others may do less than their best out of disgust The other person may feel powerless Others resent being controlled by us Others’ values are violated Defeat is bitter (and remembered) May lose a relationship May lose the war

11 Dealing with Conflict

12 The “No Asshole” Rule as described from the Harvard Business School Press
Avoid hiring assholes when you can Don’t allow them to get away with it Actually, have just one asshole in the organization Coping Try to effect change Leave, or fire the person Learn to not care

13 Basic Conflict-Resolution Strategies
Avoidance Ignoring the problem Defusion Smoothing Containment Bring in third-parties Confrontation Set up an office pool

14 Disruptive People in Meetings
Interrupting, polarizing, sidetracking, emotionalizing issues, challenging leader, threatening to resign Prevention Assign a special task Take the dominator’s items off the agenda Ask others to join meeting and refuse to argue

15 During the meeting Turn all of the dominator’s questions into statements Debates are win-lose; refuse to argue Agree to everything trivial Escalate the argument into chaos, adjourning when the dominator takes over BUT Keep cool; anger means giving away power Use this sparingly; this kind of technique can easily backfire

16 A Few Tidbits Welcome conflict
Avoid compromise, strive for satisficing When in dialogue “Tell me about X.” when asking a question Let the person keep talking until he or she tires Use (uncomfortable) silence

17 Horror Stories Why Did L.A. Noire Take Seven Years to Make?
EA: The Human Story


19 Resources Dealing with Difficult People, Harvard Business School Press, 2005 Denning, Peter J., “The Profession of IT Moods,” Communications of the ACM, v. 55, no. 12, Dec 12, 33-35 EA: The Human Story, 11/10/04 Gordon, Jack. Managing Conflict at Work, Pfeiffer, 2003 Managing Conflict: Straight Talk from the World’s Top Business Leaders, Harvard Business School Press, 2007 McMillen, Andrew. Why Did L.A. Noire Take Seven Years to Make?, 6/24/11 Schmidt, Warren H., and Hateley, BJ Gallagher, Is it Always Right to be Right?, Amacom, 2001 Sherman, V. Clayton, From Losers to Winners, Amacom, 1987 Walton, Richard E., Interpersonal Peacemaking: Confrontations and Third-Party Consultation, Addison-Wesley, 1969

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