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Game2Learn Alex Godwin.

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1 Game2Learn Alex Godwin

2 A New Kind of Curriculum
Problems with “Programming First” objective Benefits of “Algorithms First” Use of game design for education Programming first curriculums force a student into thinking within the boundaries of a given language, rather than training them to be computer scientists with the ability to think across multiple languages. Students must first learn to understand the nature of the problems they will encounter, rather than focus solely on the language they may use to solve that problem. Additionally, introductory level students often have a great deal of trouble with syntax errors that hinder their early progress. An algorithm first approach allows a student to break down a given challenge cognitively and THEN frame it within the context of the language they will attempt to use. A thorough knowledge of algorithms also allow a student to understand multiple methods of generating a solution. Algorithm first approaches can be attempted by using pseudo code styled assignments. This approach stresses understanding semantics of programming rather than a more general syntax.

3 Game2Learn: An Introduction
Massive multiplayer environment Collaboration and individual study Homework tool Reinforce class lectures Conflict resolution rather than conquest Within a massive-multiplayer environment students can both work together and independently to achieve results. Larger quests can be crafted that necessitate cooperation while still leaving opportunities for individual study. This follows closely with the classroom goal of smaller individual assignments coupled with a number of group projects. Such an environment would serve as a homework tool rather than a lecture replacement. Students will still attend class regularly, but with the added benefit of using the game environment to reinforce the material. Each quest, whether individual or collaborative, will build upon one another using previous concepts to reinforce later goals. [Needs more work] Further, the quests can be created with the intent of reaching a larger audience. To this end, rather than following the standard format of assassination and collection quests which permeate many multiplayer adventures, quests can be designed to facilitate conflict resolution.

4 Cooperative and Individual Quests
Perhaps incorporate a Visio chart outlining a paradigm for interaction between students’ individual work and collaborative work

5 Unreal Engine Popular FPS (First Person Shooter) Engine
Robust toolset for mod creation Limited flexibility Intense learning curve The Unreal engine is most often used to create user modifications, or “mods” of first-person games. Epic Games, the creator of the Unreal Engine, provides a powerful suite of tools for modification of games but not for the creation of original projects without an expensive license. After spending some time with the Unreal Engine I came to the conclusion that presently the Unreal Engine is unsuitable for the particular goals of my study. Without a license, content creation is severely limited. Additionally, the learning curve is overly steep for new students entering the project to be able to contribute immediately, which is a serious concern for a long-term study.

6 Neverwinter Nights Toolset for creation of RPGs (role-playing games)
Limited flexibility Easy learning curve Quick generation of content The Neverwinter nights engine from BioWare includes the Aurora toolset, which is great for quick and powerful creation of RPG content. Though limited to mainly RPG creation, I found that this is potentially the best game type for instruction. RPGs typically incorporate dialogue trees, a journal, an inventory, and a method for character advancement through gaining experience. These are all features we desired for our multiplayer instructional environment. It was the presence of these core features that led us to pick Neverwinter Nights for our usability study. To create these features within the Unreal Engine would have taken the majority of our time, leaving little time for actual level design or testing.

7 Usability Study Neverwinter Nights Three quests Two interfaces
Dialogue trees Fill in the blank We decided to run a usability study to determine the most effective means of student programming within the context of a videogame. Students attempt three quests as part of a linear storyline. These quests grow increasingly difficult by building upon one another and using multiple introductory programming concepts to accomplish each task. The first quest requires the student to understand simple nested if statements. This is one of the first concepts a student would learn in an introductory programming course. The second quest uses if statements and incorporates nested for loops, a secondary and more difficult concept. The third quest requires the use of if statements, for loops, and function calls, a critical portion of any introductory course. We created two versions of the game in order to determine the best interface for student programming.

8 Dialogue Trees Movie

9 Fill in the blank

10 Future Work Study the benefits of multiplayer v. single player environments Plots: Quests or assignments? Toy problems v. Student Generated Content Is a multiplayer environment necessarily more beneficial than a single player environment? Will working with others allow for increased learning and motivation, or is a more reclusive environment better? Is a plot necessary to teach with video game engines, or is a more sandbox driven approach more effective? Is a larger context and perhaps a story-driven continuity better? Do we need a story? SL or Alice v. StormHaven Bigger Context Necessary? In Game2Learn, if games are created and access is allowed by the population, will the student be given a stronger motivation knowing that others will see and use their content? Does forum motivation lead to better students?

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