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Monday, December 11, 2017 Continue presentations of the Early Republic topics Work on vocabulary Frayer Model for the Early Republic/Statehood unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, December 11, 2017 Continue presentations of the Early Republic topics Work on vocabulary Frayer Model for the Early Republic/Statehood unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, December 11, 2017 Continue presentations of the Early Republic topics Work on vocabulary Frayer Model for the Early Republic/Statehood unit

2 Learning Target: We will present and take notes over research on significant events or people from the Republic of Texas Success Criteria: I will present my research and take notes over significant events and people from the Republic of Texas

3 Presentations Remember to be respectful to those who are presenting their video or Google slides. Remember to face the class as you present your topic.

4 Vocabulary On a sheets of paper you will make the Frayer Model chart. You will use this chart as you work through the Vocabulary list from this unit.

5 Vocabulary list Annexation Boundary Debt Disputes Expenditures
Joint-Resolution Manifest Destiny Revenue Republic

6 Tuesday, December 12 , 2017 You will need to get out your binder and open to a clean sheet of paper. Be prepared to start your warm-up when the bell rings Turn in any missing work to get a better grade

7 Warm Up 12/12/17 Describe the picture in SIX WORDS, NO MORE NO LESS.

8 Learning Target: We will analyze the causes of and events leading to Texas annexation.
Success Criteria: I will list the issues that led to annexation of Texas and explain in my own words if Texas should become part of the U.S.

9 Martin Van Buren United States President in 1837 and did not approve of annexation of Texas. (He was anti-annexation) Reasons- 1.He feared a war with Mexico would ensue. 2. Issue with slavery, it would increase the number of slave states in the U.S.

10 John Tyler President of the United States after Martin Van Buren.
President Tyler favored annexation for Texas, and even proposed the idea to Sam Houston. President Tyler was the President in office as Texas signed the treaty of annexation.

11 Annexation Of Texas In April 1844, representatives from the United States and Texas signed a treaty of annexation. The treaty included: Texas would join the U.S. as a territory. The U.S. government would pay off all of Texas debt (10 million dollars). In return Texas would give up all claims to its public lands.

12 James K. Polk James Polk was elected president in 1844 winning by a small margin of 40,000 votes. On February 28, 1845 Congress passed the joint resolution. This allowed Texas as a state of the United States and no longer a territory. Also Texas will be allowed to keep its public lands.

13 OPTIC O = Overview: Conduct a brief overview of the main subject.
P = Parts of the picture: Scrutinize the parts. Note any important elements or details. T = Title: Read the title or caption (if present) for information. I = Interrelationships: Use the words in the title or caption & the individual parts to determine connections & relationships within the graphic. C = Conclusion: Conclusion Summarize how the painting can be used to show Westward Expansion.


15 T-Shirt Annexation Activity
Follow the directions on the class set instructions. You will only get 7 mins

16 Why Did The USA Want Texas?
THINK (30 Seconds): Why was Texas so attractive to the United States Write (30 Seconds): The United States wanted Texas because _____ Pair: Partner A to Partner B (30 Seconds): Texas was attractive to the United States because ______ Partner B to Partner A: The United States wanted Texas because ______ SHARE

17 Why Did The USA Want Texas?
The United States was attracted to Texas for a few reasons: They wanted to maintain an even number of slave states versus free states, and Texas could enter into the USA as a slave state The United States was already in the process of expanding westward, and acquiring Texas was another step in the Manifest Destiny

18 Joining the USA •President Anson Jones presented both offers to the Texas Congress •Members of the Congress voted for annexation and proceeded to draft a state constitution •The constitution was ratified by the Texas Congress in October 1845 and the U.S. Congress in December 1845 •The U.S. Congress admitted Texas into the Union as the 28th state after Texas voters approved the state’s new constitution and annexation ordinance •On February 19, 1846 President Jones announced the annexation of Texas

19 Manifest Destiny of the United States
You will follow the instructions for the Map activity.

20 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 You will need to get out your binder and open to the same sheet of paper from yesterday Be prepared to start your warm-up when the bell rings Turn in any missing work to get a better grade

21 Warm Up 12/13 Write and answer the following question with an explanation: Which of the following best represents a reason to go to war? A. To end slavery B. To defend ourselves C. To stop a cruel leader D. To form a new country The correct answer is ____ because _____________.

22 Learning Target: We will analyze the causes of the Mexican-American War.
Success Criteria: I will demonstrate comprehension by justifying my answers to questions about the Mexican-American War.

23 Use this sentence stem:
Level-Study the map and key write down 1 observation you can see from the map. Use this sentence stem: One observation I can make from studying the map is _______________. Explain the colors of the map and how the U.S. was expanding.

24 Use the sentence stem when you are sharing
Turn and Talk Turn to your elbow partner and share your answer. After you have both shared add their answer to your paper. Use the sentence stem when you are sharing One observation I can make from studying the map is _______________.

25 Use this sentence stem:
Pre AP- Study the map and key write down 3 observations you can see from the map. Use this sentence stem: 3 observations I can make from studying the map are _______, ______, and ________. Explain the colors of the map and how the U.S. was expanding.

26 Use the sentence stem when you are sharing
Turn and Talk Turn to your elbow partner and share your answers. After you have both shared add any new observation you heard to your paper. Use the sentence stem when you are sharing Three observations I can make from studying the map are _______________, ________________ and __________________________.

27 Reading Section 1: Causes of the Mexican-American War
Read: You will read the article discussing the causes of the Mexican-American War. Purpose: To understand the different issues that led to war.

28 Pre AP- 7 min Level-10 min Reading Tasks Read through the 3 questions at the end of page 2 before you begin reading. As you come across the answers to these questions highlight or underline the answer and number it with the question number. Box any words you don’t recognize or understand. Warning: You will randomly be called on to answer questions after reading- BE READY!!!!!

29 Share answers: Causes Questions
What was a reason Texas was not immediately annexed to the United States? 2. What is “Manifest Destiny”? 3. Why was the election of President Polk important to Texas?

30 Reading Section 2: The War Begins
Read: The article titled “Mexican-American War Begins” Purpose: To understand events that took place in the war

31 Level Reading Tasks Read through the 3 questions at the end of page 3 before you begin reading. After you are done reading choose 1 question to answer in a complete sentence Box any words you don’t recognize or understand. Warning: You will randomly be called on to answer questions after reading- BE READY!!!!!

32 Pre AP- 7 min Level-10 min Reading Tasks Read through the 3 questions at the end of page 2 before you begin reading. As you come across the answers to these questions highlight or underline the answer and number it with the question number. Box any words you don’t recognize or understand. Warning: You will randomly be called on to answer questions after reading- BE READY!!!!!

33 Share answers: War Begins
1. What was the reason the United States declared war on Mexico? Do you think this was a fair reason? Why or why not? 2. If you were in the United States Congress, would you have declared war on Mexico? Explain your reasons. 3. Could this war have been prevented? Why or why not? Teacher Directions: Have students raise their hands if they answered question #1, ask one student to share. Repeat process for questions 2 and 3.

34 Reading Section 3: The War Progresses
Read: “The Mexican-American War: U.S. Army Advances Into Mexico” Purpose: To understand why the U.S. advanced into Mexico

35 Pre AP- 7 min Level-10 min Reading Tasks Read through the 2 questions at the end of page 5 before you begin reading. As you come across the answers to these questions highlight or underline the answer and number it with the question number. Box any words you don’t recognize or understand. Warning: You will randomly be called on to answer questions after reading- BE READY!!!!!

36 Share Answers: The War Progresses
1. What role does Santa Anna play in the Mexican-American War? 2. What advantages do you think the United States had over Mexico during the war?

37 Reading Section 4: Treaty of Guadalupe
Read the article on the end of the war and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Purpose: To understand the end of the war and the exchanging of lands

38 Pre AP- 3 min Level-5 min Reading Tasks Read through the 2 questions at the end of page 6 before you begin reading. As you come across the answers to these questions highlight or underline the answer and number it with the question number. Box any words you don’t recognize or understand. Warning: You will randomly be called on to answer questions after reading- BE READY!!!!!

39 Share Answers: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Questions
1. Describe the parts of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. 2. What impact did this treaty have on both Mexico and the United States?

40 Thursday, December 14, 2017 Get out your binder and prepare for the warm-up You will get your fill in the blank notes from me.

41 The Mexican-American War
vs. 41

42 PREVIEW Read the following excerpt from a speech by Sam Houston during the Mexican-American War. Then answer the following question. “[T]here is an instinct in the American people which impels them onward, which will lead them to pervade [dominate] this continent, to develop its resources, to civilize its people and receive [its] rich bounties… The Americans regard this continent as their birthright.” ~Sam Houston What reason does Houston give for Anglo Americans to keep moving westward?

43 Manifest Destiny Belief that it was America’s God-given right and duty to expand west to the Pacific Coast

44 Brainpop Watch about Mexican- American War

45 CAUSES of the Mexican American War
When the US annexed TX, a problem came up between the US and Mexico over the long disputed border of TX Mexico says the boundary is Nueces River. US/Texas says boundary is Rio Grande River. 45

46 Mexico was a big barrier to the US dream of Manifest Destiny.
Nueces River boundary Rio Grande boundary Mexico was a big barrier to the US dream of Manifest Destiny.

47 CAUSES of the Mexican American War
US tried to buy California, and Mexico refused. (add the comma) 47

48 DECLARATION OF WAR President Polk convinced Congress to go to war
“American blood had been shed on American soil.”

49 Who would say this? Who’s point of view is this written from?
In the eyes of the government, the mobilization of the U.S. army was an outright attack on Mexico’s territorial integrity and clearly demonstrated that the United States had no intention of subjecting itself to the terms of the 1828 border treaty. . .

50 What advantage did the US have over Mexico?
War was mostly fought on US territory.

How did the war end? TREATY OF GUADALUPE-HIDALGO 51

Mexico abandons claims to Texas, agree to boundary at Rio Grande River. Mexican Cession bought by the US for $15 million. The U.S. paid the claims of American Citizens to Mexico up to $3.25 million Citizenship granted to those in lost territory. 52

Fill out the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo using page 387 in the textbook. 53

54 RESULTS American Victory!! US land acquisition
1 American Victory!! US land acquisition 3 5 2 4 1. A vast area of land called the Mexican Cession, transferred from Mexico to the US. 2. The US had achieved Manifest Destiny, and the US now stretched from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. 54

55 What does this political cartoon mean?

56 Compromise of 1850 56

57 The Compromise of 1850 The State of Texas will agree that her boundary on the north shall commence at the point … which west is intersected by the parallel of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, and shall run from said point due west to one hundred and three degrees west; thence her boundary shall run due south to the thirty-second degree of north latitude; thence on the said parallel of thirty-two degrees of north latitude to the Rio Bravo del Norte, and thence with the channel of said river to the Gulf of Mexico. The state of Texas cedes to the United States all her claim to territory exterior to the limits and boundaries which she agrees to establish by the first article of this agreement. The State of Texas relinquishes all claim upon the United States for liability of the debts of Texas, and for compensation or indemnity for the surrender to the United States of her ships, forts… which became the property of the United States at the time of the annexation. The United States, in consideration of said establishment of boundaries, cession of claim--, to territory, and relinquishment of claims, will pay the state of Texas the sum of ten millions of dollars…

58 Compromise of 1850 Effect on Texas
Texas gets it present-day shape from the Compromise of 1850. Texas gave up land that is now part of Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. (Goes back to what they agreed to in the Joint Resolution) The U.S. pays Texas $10 million dollars for the land, Texas was able to pay off its debts. 58

59 Gasden Purchase 1853 agreement to buy a strip of land in what is now the southern United States so that a railroad line could be built to the Gulf of California. It cost $10 million. 59

60 Manifest Destiny of the United States
You will follow the instructions for the Map activity.

61 Mexican War/Map EXIT Questions

62 Friday, December 15, 2017 Get out your binder and get ready for the warm- up

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