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Review Day Choose your team WISELY. DO NOT move chairs or desks…no more than 4 people per team. I reserve the right to make changes I feel are necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Day Choose your team WISELY. DO NOT move chairs or desks…no more than 4 people per team. I reserve the right to make changes I feel are necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Day Choose your team WISELY. DO NOT move chairs or desks…no more than 4 people per team. I reserve the right to make changes I feel are necessary 

2 Unit 3 Review: Team Trivia Style

3 Round 1 What was the name of the first U.S. government after declaring independence? How was state representation in the national congress ORIGINALLY determined (during the government from question #1) The proposal that called for a two-house legislature with one house having equal representation for each state and the other having representation based on population was the Who is considered the “Father of the Constitution?”

4 Round 1 Answers Articles of Confederation 1 vote per state
Great Compromise James Madison

5 Round 2 The office of president of the United States was first established by which document? Name the protest by farmers in Western Massachusetts who were angry about the debts/taxes they owed to creditors. Which early political party supported the addition of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution? Who was the first President under the U.S. Constitution?

6 Round 2 Answers The Constitution Shays’ Rebellion Anti-Federalists
George Washington

7 Round 3 List the three parts of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan.
Which early political party was led by Thomas Jefferson? Which early political party supported a large/powerful national government? Which early political party believe small farmers and the “common man” were key to economic and political success?

8 Round 3 Answers Create a Bank of the US, pass a protective tariff & the assumption of state debts by the national government. Democratic Republican Federalist

9 Round 4 Name the protest that was a response to an unpopular excise tax imposed by the federal government. The protest was crushed by President Washington. The standards for admitting a new state to the Union were set down in the ________. Name two precedents established by President Washington. Name two warnings Washington issued in his farewell address.

10 Round 4 Answers Whiskey Rebellion Northwest Ordinance of 1787
“Mr. President”, two-term limit, neutrality, established the first cabinet, etc. No political parties, no intervention in foreign affairs, tension between North and South.

11 Round 5 Where was the Constitutional Convention held in 1787?
The idea that the people have power over their government. What amendment protects your freedom of speech? What amendment protects you from illegal search and seizure?

12 Round 5 Answers Philadelphia Popular Sovereignty First Fourth

13 Round 6 Name the three branches of government
The idea that power is divided between the national government and state governments is called _______. Article II of the Constitution establishes the _______ branch. A series of essays written by Hamilton and Madison that argued in favor of ratification of the new Constitution. These essays were important in that they helped convince people that a stronger national government was needed.

14 Round 6 Answers Legislative, Judicial, Executive Federalism Executive
The Federalist Papers

15 Round 7 Washington’s Secretary of State
Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury Washington’s Vice President Washington’s Secretary of War 

16 Round 7 Answers Jefferson Hamilton Adams Henry Knox

17 Round 8 This law made it illegal to criticize the president/government under President Adams This law made it more difficult for immigrants to become US citizens under President Adams Jefferson and Madison were so outraged by the these laws passed by Federalists that they wrote a essays arguing that states can ignore (“nullify”) national laws that are unfair. What was the name of this series of essays? Two part question: (a) Who won the Election of and became our third president? (b) Which political party was he a part of?

18 Round 8 Answers Sedition Act Alien Act
Virginia and Kentucky Resolves (Resolutions) Jefferson; Democratic-Republican

19 Round 9 What was the most effective way the American colonists responded to British taxes, such as the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts? Colonists decided to meet at the First Continental Congress in 1774 in order to respond to what action by the British government? What incident between colonial minutemen and British soldiers proved to be the beginning of the American Revolution?

20 Round 9 Answers Boycotting Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
Lexington and Concord

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