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3 Vocabulary 7.L.4, 7.L.6.

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1 3 Vocabulary 7.L.4, 7.L.6

2 Rate these words Dismal Veneration Impropriety Bedlam Ominous
Liberality Endeavor Moderate Prowess Frantic 1-I know what it means and can explain it 2 –I know what it means, but can’t explain it 3 –I don’t know what it means

3 Look at the words in context and mark the part of speech above the word.
Can you guess the definition or a synonym?

4 Test: Thursday!

5 Dismal (adj) depressing; dreary.
He spent his days in a dismal little cell with no windows.

6 Veneration (noun) great respect; reverence.
Because of the veneration she had for her uncle, she named her son “Joaquim”.

7 Impropriety (noun) improper language, behavior, or character.
Kanye West’s improprieties were obvious and often Synonym: Misconduct

8 Bedlam (noun) a scene of uproar and confusion.
I’d rather not be out in the bedlam known as “Black Friday”. Synonym: chaos Antonym: serenity

9 Ominous (adj) giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen The ominous clouds threatened to ruin our picnic. Synonym: threatening, sinister

10 Liberality (noun) The quality of giving or spending freely
John’s liberality was a stark contrast to his tight- fisted brother. Synonym: generosity Antonym: tight-fisted

11 Endeavor (verb/noun) try hard to do or achieve something.
Abby Sunderland endeavored to sail around the world. an attempt to achieve a goal. Abby failed in her endeavor to sail around the world. Synonym: attempt

12 Moderate (adj) Within a certain limit
The teacher allowed a moderate amount of talking.

13 Prowess (noun) Skill, strength or courage someone has
Serena Williams’ prowess in tennis has made her one of the greatest athletes of all time.

14 Frantic (adj/adv) wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion The woman went on a frantic search for her son. The woman frantically searched for her son. Synonym: panic-stricken

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