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The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism

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1 The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism
Chapter 19 The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism

2 This portrait of Napoleon on his throne by Jean Ingres (1780–1867) shows him in the splendor of an imperial monarch who embodies the total power of the state. Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ( ), “Napoleon on His Imperial Throne,” Oil on canvas, 259 × 162 cm. Musee des Beaux-Arts, Rennes. Photograph © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

3 Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte – leads coup d’etat over the Bourbon monarchy Restores the republic in the French government

4 Early Military Napoleon’s armies take over Italy and Switzerland by defeating Austria and Sardinian armies Invades Egypt French fleet cut off from France by Englishman Horatio Nelson Russians join Austrians, Ottomans and Russians to form Second Coalition

5 Year III Constitution Napoleon pushes one of the Director’s Abbe Sieyes aside Established the rule of one man – The First Consul – Napoleon

6 The Consulate In effect, ended the Revolution of the Third Estate
Third Estate members and peasants had achieved their goals so the Consulate was supported Abolishing hereditary privilege (Third Estate) Destroyed feudal system (peasants)

7 Suppression of Opponents by Napoleon
Makes peace with all of France’s enemies by 1802 Suppresses opposition at home Offers general amnesty to men of all political factions as long as they pledge loyalty to him Employed the secret police Bourbon duke of Enghien executed for a royalist plot that he was innocent of

8 Concordat Napoleon reestablishes Christianity in France with agreement with Pope Pius VII Still, state had authority over the church through The Organic Articles of 1802

9 The Napoleonic Code Safeguarded all forms of property
Conservative attitudes towards women and labor remained Property was distributed among all children; males and females Women needed husband’s consent to dispose of property

10 Napoleon’s Dynasty Another new constitution makes Napoleon Emperor of the French Napoleon crowns himself Napoleon I

11 The Coronation of Napoleon Jacques-Louis David recorded the elaborate coronation of Napoleon in a monumental painting that revealed the enormous political and religious tensions of that event, which involved the kind of ritual and ceremony associated with the monarchy of the ancient regime. Jacques Louis David (1748–1825), “Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of Empress Josephine,” 1806–07. Louvre, Paris. Bridgeman–Giraudon/Art Resource, NY

12 Napoleon’s Empire Army gets involved in Haiti, Dutch Republic, Italy, Switzerland and the reorganization of Germany British naval supremacy – the British under Lord Nelson destroy French and Spanish forces at the Battle of Trafalgar Defeats Austria and Russia at Austerlitz – becomes King of Italy Defeats Russia and Prussia to control all of Germany

13 Treaty of Tilsit Prussia and Russia make peace with Napoleon and become allies Prussia loses half its territory Napoleon gave satellite states to his family members

14 In this early-nineteenth-century cartoon, England, personified by a caricature of William Pitt, and France, personified by a caricature of Napoleon, are carving out their areas of interest around the globe. Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

15 Nicholas Appert (1749–1841) invented canning as a way of preserving food nutritiously. Canned food could be transported over long distances without spoiling. Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library

16 The Continental System
Napoleon wanted to cut Britain off from the main European continent Milan Decree of 1807 – attempted to stop neutral nations from trading with Britain Plan fails because of British control of the seas Tariff policies favor France Caused resentment of foreign merchants System not enforced Leads eventually to Napoleon’s downfall

17 Map 19–1 THE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM, 1806–1810 Napoleon hoped to cut off all British trade with the European continent and thereby drive the British from the war.

18 German Nationalism and Prussian Reform
Many German nationalists wanted a united German state without Napoleon Prussia abolished serfdom Junker nobility still owns most of the land Many landless laborers Attempted to increase military through reforms Abolished inhumane military punishments Opened officer corps to commoners Promotions on basis of merit

19 Spanish and Austrian Wars of Liberation
Spain Napoleon’s brother Joseph on throne Peasants and clergy rebel Spanish guerrilla forces and English army under Duke Wellington hasten Napoleon’s defeat Austria Defeated at Battle of Wagram Napoleon divorces his wife Josephine and marries Austrian arch-duchess Marie Louise

20 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de Goya, recorded Napoleon’s troops executing Spanish guerilla fighters who had rebelled against the French occupation in The Third of May, 1808. Francisco de Goya, “Los fusilamientos del 3 de Mayo, 1808.” Oil on canvas, 8′6″

21 Disaster for Napoleon in Russia
War with Austria, annexation of Holland, and marriage to Marie Louise angered Alexander of Russia Invasion of Russia Russia’s “scorched earth” policy – destroying food and supplies and then retreating – erodes Napoleon’s Grand Army Napoleon wanted to take over Russian capital – Moscow Russians burn down Moscow leaving Napoleon there in winter Napoleon losses half a million men

22 Map 19–2 NAPOLEONIC EUROPE IN LATE 1812 By mid-1812 the areas shown in peach were incorporated into France, and most of the rest of Europe was directly controlled by or allied with Napoleon. But Russia had withdrawn from the failing Continental System, and the decline of Napoleon was about to begin.

23 European Coalition Combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain form allied army Napoleon defeats allies at Dresden Defeated at Leipzig in Battle of Nations Allied armies take over Paris Napoleon abdicates throne in March, 1814 and is exiled to island of Elba

24 New Borders Quadruple Alliance – Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia meet at the Congress of Vienna to decide new European borders Establishment of kingdom of Netherlands Prussia and Austria gain territory west of France and in Italy Alexander of Russia reluctantly gets only part of Poland French Bourbon monarchy restored France joins in discussions under Talleyrand, when Russia is upset with the provisions

25 In this political cartoon of the Congress of Vienna, Tallyrand simply watches which way the wind is blowing, Castlereagh hesitates, while the monarchs of Russia, Prussia, and Austria form the dance of the Holy Alliance. The king of Saxony holds on to his crown and the republic of Geneva pays homage to the kingdom of Sardinia. Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

26 Map 19–3 THE GERMAN STATES AFTER 1815 As noted, the German states were also recognized.

27 The Hundred Days Napoleon still with many supporters attempts to retake France Napoleon defeated again at Battle of Waterloo Exiled for good to tiny island St. Helena Austria, Prussia, Russia form Holy Alliance, based on Christian principles, which England does not join Quadruple Alliance reformed in 1815 to maintain peace in Europe New Congress of Vienna remains intact for half a century and prevents general war for a hundred years

28 Map 19–4 EUROPE 1815, AFTER THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA The Congress of Vienna achieved the post-Napoleonic territorial adjustments shown on the map. The most notable arrangements dealt with areas along France’s borders (the Netherlands, Prussia, Switzerland, and Piedmont) and in Poland and northern Italy.

29 The Romantic Movement Romanticism – intellectual movement that was a reaction against the Enlightenment Urged a revival of Christianity Liked art, music, and literature of medieval times

30 Romantic Questioning of Reason
Rousseau and education – his work Emile (1762) – stressed the difference between children and adults Children should be raised with maximum freedom Adults should allow children to reason Kant and reason – in his works The Critique of Pure Reason (1781) and The Critique of Practical Reason (1788) Sought rationalism of Enlightenment Humans have categorical imperative – an innate sense of moral duty or awareness

31 English Romantic Writers
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – wrote Gothic poems of the supernatural William Wordsworth – wrote, sometimes with Coleridge, about how humans lose their childlike imagination as they get older Lord Byron – rebel Romanticist, who wrote about personal liberty and mocked his own beliefs in famous works such as Don Juan (1819)

32 German Romantic Writers
Friedrich Schlegel – Progressive who attacked prejudices against women in novels such as Lucinde (1799) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – writings were part Romantic mode / part criticism of Romantic excess Faust – Part I – (1808) – long dramatic poem about man who makes a pact with the devil Faust – Part II – (1832) – taken through many mythological adventures, man dedicates his life to humankind

33 Romantic Art Neo-Gothicism Nature
Supported the church and saw liberalism as evil Style of art seen in architecture and paintings Nature Sublime – subjects from nature arouse strong emotions and raise questions about how much we control our lives Famous naturalists include Caspar David Friedrich and Joseph Malord William Turner

34 John Constable’s Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows displays the appeal of Romantic art to both medieval monuments and the sublime power of nature. John Constable (1776–1837), “Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows,” Oil on canvas, 151.8

35 At the castle of Neuschwanstein King Ludwig II of Bavaria erected the most extensive neo-gothic monument of central Europe. Josaf Beck/Getty Images, Inc.–Taxi

36 Caspar David Friedrich’s The Polar Sea illustrated the power of nature to diminish the creations of humankind as seen in the wrecked ship on the right of the painting. Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany/A.K.G., Berlin/SuperStock

37 Joseph Mallord William Turner’s Rain, Steam, and Speed—The Great Western Railway captured the tensions many Europeans felt between their natural environment and the new technology of the industrial age. Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1775–1851, “Rain, Steam, and Speed—The Great Western Railway 1844”. Oil on canvas, 90.8 × © The National Gallery, London

38 Romantic Religion Methodism – revolt against deism and rationalism, stressed inward, heartfelt religion / its leader was John Wesley Continental Religion – religious developments based on feeling Chateaubriand – The Genius of Christianity (1802) – essence if religion is passion / foundation of faith is emotion Scleiermacher – Speeches on Religion on its Cultured Despisers (1799) – religion as an intuition or feeling of absolute dependence on an infinite reality

39 John Wesley (1703–1791) was the founder of Methodism
John Wesley (1703–1791) was the founder of Methodism. He emphasized the role of emotional experience in Christian conversion. CORBIS/Bettmann

40 Romantic Views of Nationalism and History
Johann Gottfried Herder – German Romantic Critic of European colonialism Human beings develop organically The Grimm Brothers, famous fairy tale writers, were his followers Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – German Romantic philosopher Believed a predominant set of ideas, thesis, are at odds with another set of ideas, antithesis – the patterns clash, resulting in a new synthesis emerges as the new thesis in a viscous cycle All cultures valuable because they are all part of this clash

41 Islam and Romanticism Islam seen in a more positive light than during the Enlightenment Under Napoleon, learning about Islam became an important part of French intellectual life Rosetta Stone – found on one of Napoleon’s expeditions became the key to unlocking Egyptian hieroglyphics

42 When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1799, he met stiff resistance
When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1799, he met stiff resistance. On July 25, however, the French won a decisive victory. This painting of that battle by Baron Antoine Gros (1771–1835) emphasizes French heroism and Muslim defeat. Such an outlook was typical of European views of Arabs and the Islamic world. Antoine Jean Gros (1771–1835). Detail, “Battle of Aboukir, July 25, 1799,” c Oil on canvas. Chateau de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles, France. Bridgeman–Giraudon/Art Resource, NY

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