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Tuesday, 27 November 2018Tuesday, 27 November 2018

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1 Tuesday, 27 November 2018Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Mr Daly Globalisation Tuesday, 27 November 2018Tuesday, 27 November 2018 Key Focus Area Changing global relationships: Business Nations Organisations Learning Objectives Identify the impact of globalisation at an individual, local, national and global scale Describe ways in which global relationships are changing as a result of globalisation Activities GeoActive 1 Activities 1 – 6 Notes from Slides


3 End Active Citizenship 15 Minute Timer GeoActive 1
Page Activities 1 - 6 15 Minute Timer End

4 Businesses Globalisation has resulted in a number of changes in global relationships, including relationships between businesses. Individual businesses are no longer restricted to their local and national market. Their market is the world. Businesses are now able to trade more freely in foreign countries and a growing number are also manufacturing (making) their products overseas.

5 Nations Syria China Japan Australia Iraq
A nations relationship with another is subject to a lot of pressures due to Globalisation. Other Nations or TNCs can have a positive and negative effect on a country which may have something they want or need. Other Nations or TNCs may also be unknowingly influencing another country Here are some examples... Syria China Japan Australia Iraq

6 Amnesty International
Organisations Over the last twenty years there has been a growing awareness of the need to protect the global environment and to defend human rights. One indication of the growing concern is the large numbers of Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) that have been formed in recent years NGOs are organisations are any non-profit, voluntary group which is organised and operates on a local, national or international level. Here are some examples... Amnesty International Red Cross Greenpeace

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