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The History of the Swastika

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1 The History of the Swastika
By: Kaden Conklin and Jackie Kelly

2 Ancient History The swastika was found on European artifacts from pre-Christian cultures, Also found on pottery in troy.  

3 Original Meaning Before the 20th century the symbol was used as a symbol of good luck. It was then adopted by VÖlkisch movements and the meaning was changed. 

4 Hitler's Take on it Germans used the swastika as a symbol of Aryan decent Hitler used the symbol to win over the working people, promising the good fortune symbolized by the swastika

5 How it was used The swastika was placed on flags,  uniforms, and other objects to show their allegiance.

6 Propaganda This was the most common and recognizable icon of Nazi Propaganda Commonly seen in flags, military badges, and medallions

7 Current Uses still used today as a sacred symbol to Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and odinism 

8 Hate Symbol Currently, the swastika is labeled as a hate symbol, used by Neo Nazis and other white suremacists The swastika is used as shock grafitti, art drawn on alls meant to startle people, along with the letters KKK, numbers 666, and many other things.

9 Bibliography Holocaust Teacher Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan "Introduction to the Holocaust." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 31 Jan

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