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You gotta be quicker than that

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Presentation on theme: "You gotta be quicker than that"— Presentation transcript:

1 You gotta be quicker than that
Whack-a-word You gotta be quicker than that

2 Inherited Adaptation Evolving Scala Naturae Evolution Genetic traits Mendel Use and disuse Artificial Selection Survival of the fittest Reproduction rate Inheritance of acquired characteristics Offspring Natural Selection Squirrels Plato Darwin

3 The beginning of a new era
Originally, people did not think that animals changed. Who made what theory as to explain that they did change? Darwin! He made the Theory of Evolution to describe the changing and growing he observed in various animals Through what way do they change? Adaptation. Does this act upon individuals or populations?

4 Who’s lamarck? What were some of Lamarck’s thoughts as to why species changed? Lamarck thought species adapted to reach what? Species adapted to become better in a more complex way (bigger is better) What mechanism did he come up with? Explain it. Inheritance of acquired characteristics

5 What is descent with modification?
New genes introduced into your lineage which changes or modifies your offspring

6 What the heck happened in the rest of lecture?
Evidence of evolution: Comparative anatomy Vestigial structures Molecular homology Fossil record Embryology

7 Fill it in! Natural selection acts on ______________
Evolution acts on _____________ Anatomical ___________ is when structures in various animals look similar due to common ancestry Vestigial structures are __________

8 Last slide! What is molecular homology? What does it show?
How can scientists use this? How is the fossil record evidence for evolution? Scientists often look at embryos to compare species. This is a form of evidence for evolution. How?

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