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SC BREWERS GUILD Technology In Brewing.

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Presentation on theme: "SC BREWERS GUILD Technology In Brewing."— Presentation transcript:

1 SC BREWERS GUILD Technology In Brewing

2 OBJECTIVE IMPROVE the state of craft brewing by leveraging TECHNOLOGY

3 What was the BEST beer you ever brewed?
Question #1 What was the BEST beer you ever brewed?

4 WHY?

5 Can you do it again?

6 What makes YOU a unique and amazing brewer?
Question #2 What makes YOU a unique and amazing brewer?

7 Brewing is all about MANAGING variables

8 about MANAGING variables
Temperature Profiles Specific Gravity Raw Materials Brewing is all about MANAGING variables Time/ Timing House Secrets Beer Recipes Additions PH Pressure Yeast Strain Yeast Viability Dissolved CO2/O2

9 Technology will NOT make your beer better.

10 give you DATA to make decisions FASTER
Technology CAN: give you DATA to make decisions FASTER

11 Alcohol Production Start Alcohol Production End

12 Use DATA to automate your decisions at exactly the right time.
Pre-determine when process changes should occur and based on when and what data Allow the system to enact your changes at the right time, on your criteria Make changes when it’s best for your beer – not when it fits in your schedule Sleep peacefully!

13 help you track PROGRESS versus EXPECTATIONS
Technology CAN: help you track PROGRESS versus EXPECTATIONS

14 OPTIMIZE help you brewing cycles More consistent fermentation
Early identification of off-track progress Manage and control progress versus historical expectations, using variables under your control (such as temp) Track yeast viability and performance, and optimize conditions accordingly help you OPTIMIZE brewing cycles

15 Technology CAN: Help you improve CONSISTENCY and PREDICTIBILITY while REDUCING contamination risks

16 Conventional Cellar Temp Control Graph
Boxcar Cellar Temp Control Graph

17 allow you to INNOVATE with LOWER risk
Technology CAN: allow you to INNOVATE with LOWER risk

18 reduce COSTS and save TIME
Technology CAN: reduce COSTS and save TIME

19 AUTOMATE help you drudgery
Do you add VALUE by taking daily samples and making inconsistent manual readings? Is your craft based on your ability to read a hydrometer and push a button? Or is your real craft deciding WHEN to push that button, based on what criteria? help you AUTOMATE drudgery

20 allow you to FOCUS on where you add VALUE
Technology CAN: allow you to FOCUS on where you add VALUE

21 Technology can FREE you from being a slave to your own business!

22 “So you mean I can COLD CRASH from my phone?” – Local Brewer 2017
Get alerted to anything outside the “norm” Be aware of problems before they impact your reputation or your bottom line Monitor your brewery remotely Make decisions without going to the shop Enact changes from anywhere, any time Stop being a 7-day-a-week workaholic! “So you mean I can COLD CRASH from my phone?” – Local Brewer 2017

23 Open Discussion How are you using technology today, and where do you want to be in the future?

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