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Contracts & Grants Functionality

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1 Contracts & Grants Functionality
Paul Sandoval, University of Arizona Jim Becker, Indiana University

2 Overview Proposal Development Proposal Document Award Document
Budget Builder Routing Form Proposal Document Award Document Accounts Budgets Cost Share

3 Kuali Budget Builder and Routing Form

4 Kuali Budget Builder Maintenance tables capture your fringe and F&A rates Can be linked to HR systems for employee names, appointment types, etc. Calculates budget with inflation for out years Maps to your institution’s object codes for postaward use

5 Budget Parameters Required items on the budget parameters page must be completed before the user proceeds to enter budget line items. Project Director Agency Dates Budget Type Etc.


7 Budget Parameters (cont.)
Tasks can be used to create complex budgets like NIH Program Projects (P) Fringe benefit rates can be set by employee appointment type Standard rates can be overridden for proposals to agencies with benefit restrictions Justification is required if the fringe benefit or graduate student rates are changed for a particular budget.


9 Budget Overview Cumulative budget can be viewed by task or period. Budget details can be hidden or displayed. Indirect costs are automatically calculated.


11 Personnel Screens Different “personnel grids” are used, depending on appointment type (academic vs. fiscal, students, staff, etc.) Personnel are added via a user lookup. To Be Named personnel can be added to the budget. For academic-year employees, the summer period can be modified (at the institution level) to meet school needs

12 Personnel – Academic, 12-month

13 Personnel – Professional/Staff

14 Personnel – Academic, 9-month

15 Non-Personnel Expenses
Non-Personnel subcategories map to institutional object codes Line items can be copied forward to future budget years, with inflation

16 Non-Personnel Expenses

17 Cost Sharing Captures cost share (institution, 3rd party, direct and F&A), and requires source distribution for all items

18 Cost Sharing Overview

19 NIH Modular Budgets Creates the NIH modular budget page based on your detailed budget. Allows the user to modify individual period requests to account for up-front costs such as equipment (with justification).

20 Modular Budget

21 Indirect Costs Calculates indirect costs based on project purpose (research, instruction, service) and on/off campus. Can calculate indirect costs on cost share. Can calculate and include unrecovered indirect costs as cost share.


23 Permissions Allows you to add users (on an ad-hoc basis) to read or modify the budget. Also lists default permissions based on departments and colleges involved in the project. Workflow Route Log shows actions taken on the budget. The budget is not “approved” as a stand-alone document.



26 Output Output creates PDF files in various templates: generic budget format, SF 424 R&R, and PHS 398/2590 budget pages

27 Template You can make copies of an existing budget for future modification.

28 Audit Mode When Audit Mode is activated, this page lists hard & soft errors in the budget document, and links to their location.

29 Notes Like all Kuali eDocs, users may add notes/attachments to save with the budget document.

30 Kuali Routing Form Electronic preparation, routing, and approval of the institutional routing sheet Links with the Kuali Budget Uses workflow to customize approval hierarchies / needs

31 Main Page – Doc Overview & Agency Info
Main Page uses lookups to select the sponsor, federal pass through (if any), and CFDA number. When a budget is created first and attached to a Routing Form, many fields pre-populate from the budget data.


33 Main Page - Personnel All project personnel can be added to this page. Distribution for academic credit and F&A revenue are included. Personnel populate from the Budget document as well.


35 Submission Details

36 Personnel

37 Research Risks Captures the individual proposal’s involvement with research risks and compliance items. System allows institutions to customize the types of research risks included in the Routing Form. A “yes” response requires additional information for each item.



40 Project Details Cost sharing totals aggregate from the Kuali Budget, but can also be entered manually. Subcontract amounts are captured from the Kuali budget.



43 Module Links Link with Kuali Budget Builder

44 Notes Attach Notes or Files

45 Output

46 Template

47 Audit Mode

48 Permissions Give people read or modify permissions to the routing form

49 Approvals See who has to approve the routing form in the Org Hierarchy. Add hoc route to individuals or work groups.

50 Questions so far?

51 Proposal and Award Proposal and Award functionality includes: Proposal and Award tables C&G attributes on the Account table C&G Account(s) budgets Cost Share management



54 Automatic feed from the Routing Form
Proposal Proposal number, project title, agency name, dates, amounts, and other details Collections Project director(s) Organization(s) Subcontractor(s) Automatic feed from the Routing Form Manual entry also possible







61 Award A separate table from the Proposal (allows differences between Proposal and Award) Copies data from the Proposal table for reduced data entry and greater accuracy Additional post-award financial detail included (LOC information, future funding, account numbers)





66 Accounts C&G accounts are like other accounts C&G-specific fields include F&A rate, F&A exclusions, Higher Ed. Function Code, etc. Separate accounts may be established for on/off campus components, multiple departments, etc. Account is linked to the Award, and therefore to the Proposal


68 Budget Reflects the awarded budget Budgets are established for each associated account Budgets are established at the object code level Sub-accounts allow budgets for multiple purposes, including cost share

69 Subaccounts “Expense” or “Cost Share” Expense subaccounts are tied to the main account, with comparable (but editable) attributes Release 3.0 will include additional functionality for indirect costs at the subaccount level


71 Cost Share Utilizes existing sub-account structure
Each cost-share sub-account is linked to a departmental account Encumbrances on the CS sub-account are mirrored on the departmental account Expenses on the CS sub-account are reimbursed nightly by the departmental account Ensures cost-share is only counted once, and is included in the correct F&A base.


73 Cost Share Model C&G Account Cost Share Sub-Account Department Account
Cash Cash is transferred nightly to cover all cost share expenses incurred that day. Expenses – charged to a Cost Share Sub-Account

74 Questions?

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