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Box plot depicting the magnitude (T½ in minutes) of GE delay in the patients with delayed GE (gastroparesis, n=44) versus those with normal GE (n=17),

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Presentation on theme: "Box plot depicting the magnitude (T½ in minutes) of GE delay in the patients with delayed GE (gastroparesis, n=44) versus those with normal GE (n=17),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Box plot depicting the magnitude (T½ in minutes) of GE delay in the patients with delayed GE (gastroparesis, n=44) versus those with normal GE (n=17), representing minimum and maximum values (vertical lines), first and third quartiles (boxes) and median value (horizontal lines). Box plot depicting the magnitude (T½ in minutes) of GE delay in the patients with delayed GE (gastroparesis, n=44) versus those with normal GE (n=17), representing minimum and maximum values (vertical lines), first and third quartiles (boxes) and median value (horizontal lines). Asterisk represents the outlier value. GE, gastric emptying. George Triadafilopoulos et al. BMJ Open Gastroenterol 2017;4:e000169 © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

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