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9A- Inheritance and variation

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1 9A- Inheritance and variation
Lesson 3: Basic Genetics

2 Learning Objectives Describe the work of Mendel in discovering the basics of genetics dominant and recessive genes

3 Selective Breeding Historically people have selectively bred plants and animals for specific traits (variations) Cows- milk and meat Chickens-eggs and meat Horses/camels- speed and stamina Corn/grain/vegetables- flavour and hardiness Dogs- working and show Flowers- beauty

4 Inheritance How are traits passed from parents to offspring?
Old theory- offspring a mixture of parents but this didn’t explain why some traits disappeared and then reappeared

5 Gregor Mendel (1866) selectively bred pea plants over years
he always found the same ratios when breeding pure strains of discontinuous characteristics Flower colour (purple or white) Stem length (long or short) Seed shape (round or wrinkled) Seed colour (yellow or green) Pod colour (yellow or green)

6 Dominant and Recessive
He found that when he crossed a yellow pea plant with a green pea plant all the new plants were yellow pea plants. BUT when he crossed these first generation yellow peas the next generation had the green pea return in a 3:1 ratio What was going on?

7 Principles of inheritance
Traits are determined by “units” of inheritance (genes) An individual inherits one unit (allele) from each parent for each trait The trait may not show up in an individual but can be passed on to the next generation (carrier) Dominant alleles will mask a Recessive allele Genes pairs are assigned letters Capital (W ) for dominant lower case (w) for recessive

8 Three possible combinations
WW- homozygous dominant Ww- heterozygous ww- homozygous recessive WW and Ww will show the dominant trait ww will show the recessive trait

9 Basic genetics the pair of genes (alleles) of each parent separate and only one allele passes from each parent on to the offspring. new combinations of genes from the parents occur randomly- creates variation

10 Punnett Square- predicting crosses

11 Punnett Square

12 Make three of your own

13 Task: Booklet Reference: textbook p.9
Worksheets: Mendel, 1.23, 9Ab-7,9Ab-9 Reference: textbook p.9

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