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Pershore District – 18th November 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Pershore District – 18th November 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pershore District – 18th November 2012
Executive Training Pershore District – 18th November 2012 Welcome!

2 Domestic Announcements

3 Programme 1 Introductions and background
The purpose of Executive Committees Membership of Executive Committees Group / District Structure Responsibilities of Executive Committees Impact of Scouting Effective Executive Committee Roles Short Questions and Answers Decide how participants and parents will communicate: What system and level (if any) of communication will there be between participants and parents? Will mobile phones (or similar) be allowed at the event?

4 Programme 2 Effective Executive Committees Effective Meetings and AGMs
Supporting Young People Annual Requirements Meetings Safety in Scouting Question and Answer session Slides at: or Executive Support / Pershore - Nov12 on Decide how participants and parents will communicate: What system and level (if any) of communication will there be between participants and parents? Will mobile phones (or similar) be allowed at the event?

5 IntroductionS

6 Purpose of these sessions
Effective Executive Committees are essential for the successful delivery of Scouting within Groups, Districts and Counties Understand the essentials of your role of Charity Trustee Make you aware of the key issues and better equip you to be able to undertake the roles Point you in the direction of where to find further information and support Aim you towards the perfect way of working Decide how participants and parents will communicate: What system and level (if any) of communication will there be between participants and parents? Will mobile phones (or similar) be allowed at the event?

7 Assumptions You have a role on an Executive Committee (Group, District or County) Could be Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or Member (Supporter) Includes Group Scout Leaders and any Section Leaders who have opted to be on their Group Executive (change January 2011) You have completed Module 1 (Getting started) and know a bit about Scouting Decide how participants and parents will communicate: What system and level (if any) of communication will there be between participants and parents? Will mobile phones (or similar) be allowed at the event?

8 For Young People & Adults
Scouting is: Fun Challenge Adventure For Young People & Adults Its worth remembering through out this process that the previous video clip, as a volunteer and a member of staff the words “oh that’s impossible” often immediately ring out when we start talking about adult recruitment. So its worth baring this in mind….

9 Purpose of Scouting The purpose of Scouting is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. Decide how participants and parents will communicate: What system and level (if any) of communication will there be between participants and parents? Will mobile phones (or similar) be allowed at the event?

10 Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR)
Look on for latest version Our only rule book!

11 What is the purpose of an Executive Committee?

12 Executive Committee Charity Trustees (of Group / District / etc.) including reporting and governance Maintaining property and equipment Raising funds & administering the finances Insurance, security, safety, etc. Ensuring a good public profile for Scouting Recruiting volunteers, including leaders Ensure the culture of safety in Scouting Effective working with other organisations Appointment of volunteers Development of Scouting in the local area

13 Executive Committee Overall purpose:
To help the Group Scout Leader / Commissioner meet the responsibilities of their role To be responsible for the administrative side of Scouting to enable the Group / District / County to function properly and effectively Leaders have the time to develop and deliver a balanced programme of activities

14 What is an Executive Committee?
Governance & Trusteeship Scouting operates as a Charitable Concern Required to meet Governance standards as laid out by The Charity Commission Scouting Executive Committees are Charity Governing Boards under Charity Commission Rules Note: Applies whether individually registered as a Charity or operating under the Exempted Charity rules Ben

15 Constitution A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which the charity is operated and runs Each Group / District / County needs a written constitution Recommend adopting The Scout Association constitution (as laid out in POR). [If in doubt, you can do this via a motion at your AGM.] In the absence of anything else formally adopted, The Scout Association Constitution applies Following slides assume The Scout Association Constitution (or something similar) Ben

16 What is an Executive Committee
POR definition Scout Groups Chapter 3 (rules 3.22 – 3.24) Scout Districts Chapter 4 (rules 4.22 – 4.26) Scout Counties Chapter 5 (rule 5.14 – 5.17) Ben

17 Rule 3.22 Management of the Scout Group
Every Scout Group is an autonomous organisation holding its property and equipment and admitting young people to membership of the Scout Group subject to the policy and rules of The Scout Association. A Scout Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and managed by a Group Executive Committee. They are accountable to the Group Scout Council for the satisfactory running of the Group. The Group Scout Leader is assisted and supported by the Group Scouters in the delivery of the Balanced Programme for young people within the Group.

18 Who are the members of the Group Scout Council?

19 Membership of the Group Scout Council
All Leaders, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors & Helpers Parents/Guardians of all young members Executive Members, Group Advisors & Administrators Examiner/Scrutinizer, President/Vice Presidents Members of any Group Active Support Any sponsoring authority Other supporters by agreement Patrol Leaders Explorer Leaders (if included in the units partnership agreement) Representatives from the Scout District

20 Responsibilities of the
Group Scout Council Elect and approve the nominations for membership of the Executive Committee Receive the annual report and accounts of the Executive Committee Appoint an appropriate independent scrutineer for the accounts Hold an Annual General Meeting (and any Extraordinary General Meetings if needed)

21 District Scout Council
Membership of the District Scout Council Commissioners District and Group Active Support Managers Leaders, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors & Helpers Executive Members, Advisors & Administrators Examiner/Scrutinizer, President/Vice Presidents Chairmen of Troop Leadership Forums in the District All Explorer Scouts All members of District Scout Network All parents of Explorer Scouts Representatives from the Scout County

22 Types of Membership of the
Executive Committee Ex Officio Members because of their role Elected Volunteer and voted in at AGM / EGM Nominated Put forward by the GSL / DC / CC at AGM / EGM Co-Opted Brought in to fill skill gaps Right of attendance Commissioner and Chairman of overseeing level

23 Group Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members Group Chairman, GSL, AGSL, Secretary, Treasurer, Section Leaders* Elected Members Between 4 and 6 members elected by the Group Scout Council at the AGM. Nominated Members Up to the number elected. Nominated by GSL at the AGM. Co-opted Members Annually co-opted by the Executive. Cannot exceed the number of elected members. Right of Attendance District Commissioner and District Chairman. Stuart * As from the 2011 Group AGM, Section Leaders are only members of the Group Executive if they choose to opt-in (2011 POR change).

24 District Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members Chairman, District Commissioner, Secretary, Treasurer, District Scout Network Leader, District Explorer Scout Commissioner Elected Members members elected by the District Scout Council at the AGM. Nominated Members Up to the number elected. Nominated by DC at the AGM. Co-opted Members Annually co-opted by the Executive. Cannot exceed the number of elected members. Right of Attendance County Commissioner and County Chairman. Stuart

25 County Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members Chairman, County Commissioner, Secretary, Treasurer, County Scout Network Leader Elected Members members elected by the County Scout Council at the AGM. Nominated Members Up to the number elected. Nominated by CC at the AGM. Co-opted Members Annually co-opted by the Executive. Cannot exceed the number of elected members. Right of Attendance Regional Commissioner. Stuart

26 Executive Committee “Trustees have and must accept ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of a charity, and ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public for which it has been set up” The Charity Commission

27 Obligations and Responsibilities
Under the Governance and Equality Act 2010, Charity Trustees have the following obligations: Powers of investment Powers of delegation Powers of appointment To ensure the appropriate safeguards for the operation of the above powers, including a duty to take proper advice in relation to investments and statutory duty of care Stuart

28 Obligations and Responsibilities
Responsibilities of Trustees: Accept Responsibility for the operation of the Group/District/County Ensure Compliance (Charity Comm. & POR) Act with Integrity Duty of Prudence Duty of Care Stuart

29 Charity Commission Website Stuart

30 Charity Commission Publications

31 Charity Commission Website

32 Trustees Cannot be: Under 18
Convicted of an offence (dishonesty or deception) Un-discharged bankrupt Disqualified from acting as Company Director Failed to make payments under a court order Adverse CRB Disclosure Removed from being a Trustee or barred by the Charity Commission

33 Trustee Indemnity Insurance
Covered as part of the subscription fee to Headquarters Are you a registered member (to be covered)? Broadly speaking covers personal liability, providing individuals have endeavored to follow POR, Charity Law, etc. Who’s covered; ex officio, elected, nominated and co-opted members Criminal actions are not covered

34 are a Registered Member 1
How do you know you are a Registered Member 1 Registered members will have filled in a registration form such as the Adult Application (AA) Form [or Change Role (CR) Form to add an additional role] The AA Form (and CR Form) contain the charity Trustee declaration which Trustees need to sign to confirm that they are eligible to take on the responsibility Section Leaders opting in should be listed as Executive Members

35 are a Registered Member 2
How do you know you are a Registered Member 2 They will have had a satisfactory CRB check Will have been issued with a Scout Association membership number (and possibly certificate of appointment) Will appear on the Membership Services System (MSS - often referred to as My Backpack) Should receive periodic communications from The Scout Association (although these can be turned off)

36 Responsibilities of the Executive
Rule 3.23b defines the responsibilities of the Group Executive Committee as follows: The Group Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment. Rule 4.25f(i) defines the responsibilities of the District Executive Committee as follows: “The District Executive Committee exists to support the District Commissioner in meeting the responsibilities of the appointment and to provide support for Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units and any District Scout Network in the District.” Ben

37 Killing some Myths The Group Scout Leader is the District representative in the Group (not the Groups representative at the District) The DC is the County representative in the District (not the Districts representative at County)

38 Simple Group Structure
Group Scout Leader Group Chairman Group Leaders Meeting Executive Committee Section Leaders Beaver Leaders Cub Leaders Scout Leaders Sub Committees Working Parties Project Teams

39 Responsibilities of the Group Executive: (POR 3.23b)
the maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment; the raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finance; the insurance of persons, property and equipment; Group public occasions; assisting with the recruitment of Leaders and other adult support. Ben

40 Simple District Structure
District Commissioner District Chairman District Leaders Meetings Executive Committee ADCs, DESC, DSNL, etc. Explorer Leaders Network Leaders Group Scout Leaders Beaver Leaders Cub Leaders Scout Leaders Sub Committees Working Parties Project Teams

41 Executive Meetings Plan well beforehand and let all know the focus
Don’t go over and over the same ground Make sure that all key topics are covered every year Potential areas to be covered?

42 Stuart

43 Group Executive Needs to organised Requires a range of skills
Pro-active approach It is a Team effort Ability to delegate (and know that it will get done) Forward looking (not just reactive) Things don’t just happen at meetings! Ben

44 Vision

45 Scouting’s Vision 2012 A Growing Movement  A Youth Led Movement
A Sound Movement A more Relevant and Focussed Movement A Diverse Movement Improved

46 Scouting’s Growth

47 Hereford & Worcester Growth

48 Pershore District

49 Think You Know Scouting

50 Scouting Video Take a closer look
The video “Take a closer look” is available for download via YouTube or – ref: UKScoutAssociation’s Channel – YouTube#p u 7 m1RxuaNu-E

51 Scouting’s Vision 2018 Scouting in 2018 will:
Make a positive impact on our communities Prepare young people to be active citizens Embrace and contribute to social change Scouting in 2018 will be: Shaped by young people in partnership with adults Enjoyed by more young people and more adult volunteers As diverse as the communities in which we live Members of Scouting in 2018 will feel: Empowered Valued Proud

52 Effective Executive Committees

53 Role of the Executive Committee
Support the Group/District/County Look after the finances, fundraising, buildings, equipment, assets, etc. Not to “do” the Scouting Lead by the Chairman, working in partnership with (and to support) the GSL/DC/CC Ben

54 How can you be Effective?
Have a good skill mix on the committee Share out the work – sub-committees, working groups, teams, etc. Be organised - meetings, minutes, actions Be appropriately responsive & proactive Don’t try to do everything at once – prioritise Have a Development Plan (produced with the Leaders) Ben

55 Engaging Executive Members
How do you recruit members? Rarely at meetings (like AGMs) Primarily through one to one discussion/comms Often through attracting people back into Scouting Recent Statistics: Approx 47% coming up through Scouting Approx 47% parents/guardians Approx 6% ‘off the street’ Ben

56 Motivating and Retaining
Executive Members What do they want to get out of the role? Support for Scouting Fun, comradeship, sense of well being/doing? Very good on CVs and when looking for a job! May start ‘helping the Group’ by sitting on Committee, but move on to other roles. What do you need to do to motivate and engage them (and thus retain them)? Ben

57 Your Role Chairman Secretary Treasurer Member (or supporter) Ben

58 Your Role Summarised Chairman
Chair meetings (everyone involved, times, etc.) Lead key decisions, Communications Secretary Agendas, Minutes of meetings, Keep records Census, prepare Annual Report Treasurer Look after all funds Account for funds and prepare Annual Accounts Member (or supporter) Be involved and ask constructive questions Undertake/lead specific tasks and actions Collective accountability for the Charity Ben

59 Guides All available on
or under Executive Support on

60 Discussion Session Split into groups based on the specific roles
Have a discussion in the groups about that role How can you help and support each other in your roles? Ben

61 Questions? 61

62 Effective Meetings

63 Conduct of Meetings Only members can vote
Decisions are made by a majority of votes cast by those present at the meeting No Chairman’s casting vote The Group / District / County Scout Council must make a resolution defining the quorum for meetings of the Scout Council, Executive Committee and any Sub-Committees Ben

64 Young People on Committees
Strongly encouraged Main role is to support ‘shaped by young people in partnership with adults’ – input required Ideally aged 18 to 25 (Trustees) Can be under 18 (Non-Trustees) Typically one or two per Executive Committee (Group / District / County) Ben

65 Young People on Committees

66 Annual General Meetings

67 Making AGMs more exciting?
Table written reports – distribute beforehand if possible Keep to the point – short, sharp clear & managed Ensure that Officers and Committee Members are asked and agree well beforehand NO any other business Advertise (must include all the Scout Council) Ask young people to participate / get involved Combine with another event, e.g. barbecue, presentation evening or awards ceremony Ben

68 A few points about Group AGMs
Required to be held within 6 months of the end of the financial year All the Group Scout Council, including the DC and District Chairman, must be invited AGM accepts the annual report and accounts (previously agreed by the Group Executive) – then submits them to the District and the Charity Commission Chairman nominated by the GSL Section Leaders are only members of the Group Executive if they opt in and it is recorded at the AGM All Executive Members must complete an AA Form

69 Who is Invited to a Group AGM?
Group Scout Council (voting rights) Comprising: All Leaders, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors & Helpers Parents/Guardians of all young members Executive Members, Group Advisors & Administrators Examiner/Scrutinizer, President/Vice Presidents Any sponsoring authority Patrol Leaders Explorer Leaders – if included in the units partnership agreement Members of any Group Active Support Representatives from the Scout District Guests (non-voting)

70 Essential requirements of a Group AGM 1
Apologies (& Attendance) To agree minutes of previous AGM To receive & consider the Annual Report To receive & consider the Financial Report To reappoint any President/Vice Presidents To approve the GSL’s nomination for Group Chairman To elect the other officers (Secretary & Treasurer) Ben

71 Essential requirements of a Group AGM 2
To elect members to the Executive The GSL to announce their nominations for the Executive To co-opt members onto the Executive To appoint an independent examiner for the coming year To formally record those Section Leaders who have opted to be members of the Executive Close the meeting Ben

72 Annual General Meetings
District Annual General Meetings

73 Who is Invited to a District AGM?
District Scout Council (voting rights) Commissioners, Active Support Managers, Scouters, Administrators, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors, Advisers, all Explorer Scouts, all members of the District Scout Network, Chairmen of Troop Leadership Forums in the District, Members and Associate Members of the Movement registered in the Scout District and including Members of District Scout Active Support Units, all parents of Explorer Scouts, persons elected or reselected annually by the District Scout Council on the recommendation of the District Commissioner and the District Executive Committee, the County Commissioner and County Chairman are ex-officio members of the District Scout Council. Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)

74 Who is Invited to a District AGM?
District Scout Council (voting rights) Guests and Visitors (no voting rights) Who is Invited to a County AGM? County Scout Council (voting rights) Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)

75 Essential requirements of a District AGM 1
Apologies (& Attendance) To agree minutes of previous AGM To receive & consider the Annual Report To receive & consider the Financial Report To reappoint any President/Vice Presidents To approve the DC’s nomination for District Chairman To elect the other officers (Secretary & Treasurer) Ben

76 Essential requirements of a District AGM 2
To elect members to the Executive The DC to announce their nominations for the Executive To co-opt members onto the Executive To appoint an independent examiner for the coming year To elect Group Scouters to represent the District on the County Scout Council Close the meeting Ben

77 Annual Report Contents
Reference and administration details List the Trustees (and dates) Other key individuals in the Charity Structure, governance and management Ref to constitution, key policies and procedures Risk and internal controls Objectives and key activities Achievements and performance Finance Review - Reserves and Investment policy Future plans Declaration (Approval by the Executive) Form LT or free text can be used Ben

78 Annual Accounts Under £100k, simple receipts and payments accounts
Form LT700002/3, Excel, Word or free text can be used Over £100k, accrual accounts must be used Form LT or free text can be used All significant assets need to be recorded Keep it simple and make sure you understand them! Executive sign them off (as Trustees) Ben

79 Submission If a registered Charity, you must submit your approved Annual Report and Accounts to the Charity Commission Can be done on-line or via mail Normally done by the Treasurer or Secretary Good practice for Exempted Charities Results available on-line for all registered charities Provide copies to your District / County Ben

80 1st Pershore Scout Group

81 7th Pershore Avondales Scout Group

82 Funds and Bank Accounts

83 Funds and Bank Accounts
Groups – POR 3.49 and extract Each Section must itself administer sums allocated to it by the Group Executive Committee The Group Treasurer should make the necessary records and pay the money into the Group bank account(s) as soon as practicable. Each Section must keep a proper cash account which must be produced, together with supporting vouchers and the cash balance, to the Group Treasurer at least once in each period of three months. Ben

84 Funds and Bank Accounts
All monies received by or on behalf of the Group / District / County either directly or via supporters, must be paid into bank account(s) held in the name of the Group / District / County Groups POR – 3.50 District POR 4.60 and 4.61 County POR 5.48 and 5.49 Ben

85 Rule 4.61 District Bank Accounts (very similar Groups)
a. All monies received by or on behalf of the District either directly or via supporters, must be paid into bank account(s) held in the name of the District. The account may, alternatively, be a National Savings Account or a building society account. b. The account(s) will be operated by the District Treasurer and other persons authorised by the District Executive Committee. c. A minimum of two signatures must be required for withdrawals. Ben

86 Rule 4.61 Bank Accounts d. Under no circumstances must any monies received by any one on behalf of the District be paid into a private bank account. e. Cash received at a specific activity may only be used to defray expenses of that same specific activity if the District Executive Committee has so authorised beforehand and if a proper account of the receipts and payments is kept. f. Funds not immediately required must be transferred into a suitable investment account held in the name of the District. Ben

87 Rule 4.61 Bank Accounts g. District funds must be invested as specified by the Trustee Act h. District funds may be invested in one of the special schemes run by Headquarters. i. The bank(s) at which the District account(s) are held must be instructed to certify the balance(s) at the end of the financial period direct to the scrutineer, independent examiner or auditor as appropriate. Ben

88 Rule 4.61 Bank Accounts g. District funds must be invested as specified by the Trustee Act h. District funds may be invested in one of the special schemes run by Headquarters. i. The bank(s) at which the District account(s) are held must be instructed to certify the balance(s) at the end of the financial period direct to the scrutineer, independent examiner or auditor as appropriate. Ben

89 Operating as Charity Always include your Charity Number on anything that refers to funds, e.g. accounts, letters, cheques, minutes, reports, etc. Straight forward if a Registered Charity Have to get agreement of your ‘parent’ charity if operating as an exempt charity Charity number must be on all fundraising, e.g. raffle tickets, programmes, gift aid, subscription letters, etc.

90 Executive Committee Meetings

91 Effective Executive Committees?
Build a real team spirit Typical stages of team building: Forming Storming Norming Performing Make sure everyone can have their say Common aims and objectives Driven by the Chairman

92 Meeting Arrangements Location and time Furniture and room arrangements
Timing: Advanced notice of the meeting & agenda During the meeting itself Catering Agenda Management of the meeting

93 Agenda Send out Early Briefing papers and updates on actions with agenda GSL / Section Reports / Finance / Building Previous meeting actions Only talk about “open” actions Clear topics for discussions Send out any supporting information No AOB…. (or pre-manage)

94 Meetings Brevity is a virtue Keep to agenda and time
Avoid long discussions on scouting activities Scouting is for Scouters Topics should be: Fundraising and financial position Build maintenance and equipment needs Recruitment & Numbers Safety Trustee responsibilities

95 Stuart

96 Minutes Summary of the meeting (not a verbatim record of what everyone said) Record key decisions and basic rationale for them Record all actions (what they are, who is going to do it and by when) Good idea for Chairman to review the draft minutes before they are issued Get the draft minutes out as soon as possible after the meeting so that people know their actions and can comment early on any disagreements with them Approve the minutes at your next meeting Ben

97 Typical Annual Cycle AGM – appoint Executive & roles for the year
Typically about 3 ‘normal business meetings’ per year Meeting to draft budget for the following year and set subscriptions ahead of Census Meeting ahead of the AGM to plan details, decide who is going to do what role and agree & approve the Annual Report and Accounts Next AGM

98 Safety in Scouting

99 Safety In Scouting It is the responsibility of all those involved in Scouting to seek, so far is reasonably practicable, to ensure that all activities are conducted in a safe manner without risk to the health of participants


101 Safety Responsibilities
Executive Committees are responsible for providing a safe environment in which regular Scouting can take place (e.g. meeting places), meetings & public events Leaders are responsible for the safe delivery of an adventurous programme within those meeting places and on outside visits, camps, etc.

102 Particular safety responsibilities of Executive Committees
Scout Headquarters, grounds, campsites, activity centres and some rented premises: Fire Gas (including camping appliances) Electricity Water Asbestos General hazards Safety on the agenda at Executive Meetings


104 Safety In Scouting Adventurous Activities Follow rules, for example:
Correct Permits Scout Lead / Externally Lead Activities Right equipment and ratios Normal leaders, if you are not happy, don’t let the activity proceed

105 Safety In Scouting Normal Activities
Where more accidents are happening Make sure: InTouch fully in place Leader in charge of each activity is always 100% clear Executives understand their responsibilities for buildings, sites, etc.

106 Accidents

107 Reporting Accidents 1 It is not possible to give an absolute ruling on what should be reported. If in doubt, telephone The Scout Information Centre on and seek advice However, as a general guide - Minor injuries (cuts, grazes) which are dealt with by first aid and which require no further medical intervention do not need to be reported. However, if a minor injury deteriorates and it is discovered that Parents / Guardians have taken the young person for further treatment the incident reporting procedure should be followed. Ben

108 Reporting Accidents 2 Any injury or illness which requires medical intervention by a Doctor, Dentist or at a hospital should be notified to Scout Insurance Services irrespective of any subsequent diagnosis. For example, if a young person is taken to hospital with a suspected broken arm but it turns out to be only badly bruised, the incident should still be reported. Incidents should also be reported where emergency services have been contacted, irrespective of whether anyone was injured. Ben

109 Safety In Scouting Near Misses
New simple, on-line near miss ‘form’ available on the Not yet clear how the information will be collated and feedback by Headquarters Important to capture the information – so please make sure you use the form!



112 Scouting Video Take a closer look
The video “Take a closer look” is available for download via YouTube or – ref: UKScoutAssociation’s Channel – YouTube#p u 7 m1RxuaNu-E

113 Thank You

114 Key Handouts 1 CC3a – The Essential Trustee
FS – The Group Executive Committee FS – Role Description for Group Chairman BS A Guide for the Group Chairman FS – Role Description for Group Secretary BS A Guide for the Group Secretary FS – Role Description for Group Treasurer BS A Guide for the Group Treasurer BS A Guide for the Group Supporter A Guide to Supporting Young People on Committees

115 Key Handouts 2 FS330036 – District Chairman
FS – District Secretary FS – District Treasurer FS – Managing a Safe Scout Premises Safety Checklist for Executive Committees POR – The Scout Association Policy, Organisation and Rules etc.

116 Questions? Further information:
Information Centre

117 in your Group, District and County
Together WE CAN DO IT Its worth remembering through out this process that the previous video clip, as a volunteer and a member of staff the words “oh that’s impossible” often immediately ring out when we start talking about adult recruitment. So its worth baring this in mind…. in your Group, District and County Thanks You

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