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2 SO….What does it mean to be living?
Biology…What is it? Biology is the study of life. SO….What does it mean to be living?

3 Characteristics of Life
To be considered living, an organism must….. Be based on a universal genetic code. DNA or RNA 2. Grow and develop

4 Characteristics of Life
3. Be able to Reproduce -Asexually (individually) -Sexually (requires 2 types of cells) 4. Use materials and energy -Metabolism

5 Characteristics of Life
5. Be able to respond to their environment (move) -stimulus response Humans: Plants:

6 Characteristics of Life
6. Maintain stable internal environment -Homeostasis

7 Characteristics of Life
Change over time, as a group. -Evolution (Who knows the general trend of human height? 7 b) Adapt to their environment -the changes in #7 are not random

8 Characteristics of Life
Made of units called Cells -Unicellular -Multicellular

9 Characteristics of Life
9. Living things have some level of Cellular organization Ie. Cells preform different functions

10 Characteristics of Life
All living organisms eventually die. RIP

11 Should The following be classified as living?

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